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与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The critics contend that the Book of the Covenant knows nothing of an Aaronitic priesthood (Exodus 24:5); that Deuteronomy mentions priests and Levites without any hierarchical distinction and without any high priest, determines their rights, and distinguishes only between the Levite living in the country and the Levite attached to the central sanctuary; finally, that the Priestly Code represents the priesthood as a social and hierarchical institution, with legally determined duties, rights, and revenues.

批评者争辩说,这本书的盟约知道没有一aaronitic神父(出埃及记24:5 );申命记提到祭司和利没有任何等级的区别,没有任何高神父,确定他们的权利,区别只之间的利住在国家和利的重视,中央庇护;最后,该priestly代码所代表的神职人员作为一种社会和层次的机构,在法律上确定的职责,权利,和收入。

Ovary 2-locular, carpels free at apex; ovules mostly 1 per carpel, less often many, but then most of them sterile, crassinucellar, bitegmic, anatropous, halfway between apotropous and epitropous, pendent from ovary top if solitary, along the carpellary margins if numerous; placentation axile.


The author considers their value mainly embodies the fairness value and the safety value.The conflict between equality and efficiency is avoidless,and it might be a better choice for the relation between them that put a little rationality into equality and put a little humanism into efficiency,and so might be a desirable fairness values to some degree.The social assistance legal institutions responsing the survival rights' request is to response the call of the fairness values;meanwhile they conform the force of the poor and dispel their sufferings and resistances,exerting their function for the sake of safety value.


But they should know by now that there is no such thing as an overnight success. That band that just seems to "come out of nowhere" has probably been slogging it out in godforsaken live houses and rehearsal spaces for a long time before their music finds its way to your ears, and Chthonic is no exception.

乐团於下午一点抵达表演会场,原本期待可以在一个小时内搞定Sound Check,但转眼之间已经五点半了,他们还站在台上,虽然The Haunted的工作团队身兼专业知识与技术,但要从PA系统得到满意的声音,似乎还有十万八千里。

Or between the ten-quid jeans they buy in certain clothing emporia and the Far Eastern sweatshops where miserably paid people turn out such items?


The Pope reiterated his commitment to this vision of the relationship between the civil law and the moral law in a February 2000 address commemorating the fifth anniversary of Evangelium Vitae.47 After noting that he considers this encyclical "central to the whole magisterium of pontificate," the Pope criticized the "type of defeatist mentality" that "claims that laws opposed to the right to life – those which legalizeabortion, euthanasia, sterilization and methods of family planning opposed to life and the dignity of marriage – are inevitable and now almost a social necessity."


The Pope reiterated his commitment to this vision of the relationship between the civil law and the moral law in a February 2000 address commemorating the fifth anniversary of Evangelium Vitae.47 After noting that he considers this encyclical "central to the whole magisterium of pontificate," the Pope criticized the "type of defeatist mentality" that "claims that laws opposed to the right to life – those which legalizeabortion, euthanasia, sterilization and methods of **mily planning opposed to life and the dignity of marriage – are inevitable and now almost a social necessity."


"We hae a kind of collision course between the public policy at the federal leel in the United States and what the people who are responsible legally and ethically for these embryos would like to do with their embryos," Ruth Faden, director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, said.

Johns Hopkins Berman学院生物伦理学主任Ruth Faden说:&在美国联邦政府的市民政策和那些捐献胚胎的人应该怎么处理他们的胚胎之间有一个碰撞过程,这些人在法律上和道义上对这些胚胎负有责任。&

While the humans nestle into their camp tucked between a grove of manilkara trees and hyphaene palms, buffalo and elephants emerge from the forest to feed in the clearing.


Composed of long takes of indirect gazes and oppressively alienated temps morts (where an eclectic assembly of anonymous residents alternately stare out the window, smoke a cigarette, handle their rifle, voyeuristically peep, awkwardly flirt, become inebriated, and even mischievously set on fire laundry that has been hanging on a clothesline), the fragmented, collage-like portraits of the tenants are interstitially connected through the recurring image of the building's dimly lit hallways, a visual metaphor for a culture adrift and in transition - a conduit to an undefined destination.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
