英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those "负翁" simply cannot wait to spend their future income today. In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc., there is many a man "rich" in debt. Aged from 25 to 40, they usually boast a better education, a handsome salary and a high position.


Nigeria – Following local elections, hundreds of people were killed and an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 fled their homes in two days of rioting that started November 28, 2008 between mainly Muslim Hausa people and mainly Christian Berom people in Jos, the capital of Plateau State, Nigeria.

奈及利亚—在当地选举之后,於2008年11月28日开始的两天暴动中,有数百人丧生,并有大约7,000到10,000人逃离他们的家,这场暴动主要发生在奈及利亚高原省首都乔斯中全是穆斯林的豪萨人与基督徒的 Berom 人之间。

They are three-act structure seemingly in harmony but actually at variance; no suspenses; exoteric final; undefined third party; metaphor; no potentially heroical character.


However, as a person or a group whether marginalized or not, they can not live a absolute lone life. Because communication is necessary for our existence and existence comes true in communication, intersubjective recognition is necessary in ontological meaning.


Such is the irrelevance of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, however, that their efforts to block the Democrats' juggernaut are not one of them. They unveiled a rival health plan this week that would cost less, allow inter-state competition and reform malpractice insurance—but it would also cover far fewer people and it fails to restrict jiggery-pokery by insurers.


That such penitential practices produce morbid and gloomy characters is absurd to those who know the lightheartedness that prevails in strict religious communities; that they are injurious to health and abbreviate life cannot be seriously maintained in view the remarkable longevity noted among the members of very austere orders.


The most "accurate" in 2008 to determine the lowest point in the market place is the letter reached the securities they see as low as 3800 points, with the difference between the actual situation in more than 50%.


"In a concert setting, for example, different individuals listen to a piece of music with wandering attention, but at the transition point between movements, their attention is arrested," said the paper's senior author Vinod Menon, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of neurosciences.

"在音乐厅里,每个听众欣赏音乐时的注意力都是游移的,但是在音乐段落之间的停顿期,他们的注意力被吸引了,"文章的主要作者 Vinod Menon 博士说,他是精神病与行为科学以及神经科学副教授。

In the excitement of battle all but the oldest and steadiest troops are liable to mishandle their weapons. One man, in his haste forgets the wadding between powder and ball, anther the wadding to keep the ball down.


Students and teachers can communicate online bidirectionally, and tudents can also discuss with each other. Teachers, students, and other participaters all over the country can have real-time communications bilaterally or multilaterally to discuss the topics they are all interested in.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
