英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was an appropriate and uplifting intro to an exuberant performance that opened with a group of fiery flamenco gypsies, stamping the runway in flounced skirts, corsetry, and wickedly mannish, form-swathing jackets, their eyes flashing and matches clamped between their teeth.

这是一个适当的和向上的介绍,以旺盛的表现,开放与一组火热的佛兰明高吉普赛人,冲压跑道在flounced裙, corsetry , wickedly mannish ,形成- swathing外套,他们眼中闪动和比赛之间的钳制他们的牙齿。

Then from his loftie stand on that high Tree [ 395 ] Down he alights among the sportful Herd Of those fourfooted kindes, himself now one, Now other, as thir shape servd best his end Neerer to view his prey, and unespi'd To mark what of thir state he more might learn [ 400 ] By word or action markt: about them round A Lion now he stalkes with fierie glare, Then as a Tyger, who by chance hath spi'd In some Purlieu two gentle Fawnes at play, Strait couches close, then rising changes oft [ 405 ] His couchant watch, as one who chose his ground Whence rushing he might surest seize them both Gript in each paw: when Adam first of men To first of women Eve thus moving speech, Turnd him all eare to hear new utterance flow.


Cuthbert was, upon the whole, the more liberal-minded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart.


Episcopacy makes disjunctions between bishop and elder that cannot be defended from the NT, and therefore appeals to Timothy and Titus as paradigms are futile, not least because their functions are best explained on other lines (and in any case they are not called "bishops" over against some lesser clergy status).


These definitions are terribly inadequate, but they may serve our purpose if we understand from them the following points;(1)The judicial process deals not with abstract questions or hypothetical situations but with actual controversies between real parties;(2)These controversies are such that the community will direct its collective force to their resolution;(3)This resolution proceeds not arbitrarily but according to some standards of general application;(4)These standards are applied in a proceeding that follows some fixed lines set out by a system of rules known as procedure.

These定义可怕的不足,但他们可能为我们的目的,如果我们从他们的以下几点:( 1 )在司法程序处理而不是抽象的问题或假设情况,但实际真正的当事方之间的争议;( 2 )这些争议是这样,社会将直接集体武力来解决。( 3 )本决议的收益不被任意,但据一些普遍适用的标准;( 4 )这些标准适用于诉讼中的一些固定线路如下所规定的一套规则称为procedure。

They are very good, but not be initiator, they often communicate the leeway that cooperates between the company together.


The two relievers are not related, but Chamberlain and Ramirez share a common trait: They throw nasty pitches -- so deceptive and biting, in fact, that left fielder Johnny Damon took a stab at describing what kind of pitcher the two of them would combine to make.

h# ?- _, d8 o$ y3 A8 T 这两个后援投手并没有亲属关系,但是在乔巴和拉米瑞兹之间却共享著一个特点:他们都会投很刁钻的球--刁钻到骗死人不偿命、让对手痛不欲生的球,事实上,左外野手戴门就尝试形容过如果把他们两个人综合起来,会变成一个什麼样的投手。

Z8 dwww.wangfans.com/ r; _! c# T: N V$ C王建民加油站 The two relievers are not related, but Chamberlain and Ramirez share a common trait: They throw nasty pitches -- so deceptive and biting, in fact, that left fielder Johnny Damon took a stab at describing what kind of pitcher the two of them would combine to make.

Q3 v- k; Vwww.wangfans.com 这两个后援投手并没有亲属关系,但是在乔巴和拉米瑞兹之间却共享著一个特点:他们都会投很刁钻的球--刁钻到骗死人不偿命、让对手痛不欲生的球,事实上,左外野手戴门就尝试形容过如果把他们两个人综合起来,会变成一个什麼样的投手。

But if not, then it was the savage coast between the Spanish country and Brasils, which are indeed the worst of savage s; for they are cannibals, or men-eaters, and fail not to murther and devour all the humane bodies that fall into their hands.


But if not, then it was the savage coast between the Spanish country and Brasils, which are indeed the worst of savages; for they are cannibals, or men- eaters , and fail not to murther and devour all the humane bodies that fall into their hands.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
