英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The historian Eusebius attests the widespread doubts in his time; he classes them as antilegomena, or disputed writings, and, like Athanasius, places them in a class intermediate between the books received by all and the apocrypha.

历史学家尤西比乌斯证明了普遍的怀疑,在他的时候,他班,他们为antilegomena ,或有争议的著作,并像athanasius场所,他们在一类中间之间的书籍,受到大家欢迎和

It is interesting to note that Lewis Caroll in his classic tale, Alice in Wonderland, lets his heroine encounter the magic mushroom at the gateway between solid and lucid realities: It is the abode of the stoned caterpillar, who explains some of the oddities of Wonderland to the confused Alice, who had already experienced the wondrous effects of 'macropsia', and micropsia, which happen to be a typical symptom of Fly Agaric inebriation.

有意思的是看到刘易斯卡罗尔在他的经典寓言,爱丽丝漫游仙境,让他的女主人公遇到魔菇在网关之间的坚实和清晰的现实:它是居的石头毛毛虫,他们解释一些趣闻的华景给爱丽丝混淆,他们已经经历了奇妙效果' macropsia ',并micropsia ,恰好是一个典型的症状飞金顶沉醉。

But, however, that some may not colour their spirit of persecution and unchristian cruelty with a pretence of care of the public weal and observation of the laws; and that others, under pretence of religion, may not seek impunity for their libertinism and licentiousness; in a word, that none may impose either upon himself or others, by the pretences of loyalty and obedience to the prince, or of tenderness and sincerity in the worship of God; I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the business of civil government from that of religion and to settle the just bounds that lie between the one and the other.


What Wisdom is suggesting, of course, is that the theist and the atheist do not fundamentally disagree about the empirical facts they have seen, or even about possible observations which together they might make in the future.


The dissertation considers that there is an inner relationship between various elements of e- ducology and a given culture, which produces"the culturalcharacter of educology". Educational problems have factual bases, but their nature should be considered as subjectivity, valuableness, and historicity, which distinguish educational problems from educational facts and related prob- lems of other disciplines. Besides having a logical feature of scientific concepts, the nature of edu- cational concepts should be considered as historicity, normativity, valuableness and expressivity. Educological activity is a kind of subjective activity. The subjects of educology are not only the subjects of knowledge, but also the subjects of value and practice. Educological works are products of their whole soul life, which embody their life and social ideals.


What they demand of the authorities is that they maintain order: when asked what is more important to them-"order" or "freedom"-the inhabitants of the province of Voronezh overwhelmingly expressed preference for "order."


To those in the west who saw the web as an inherently open and free medium, it could only be a matter of time before the reactionary forces of censorship and authoritarian control succumbed to the inevitable.


1B1 the name transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children 1b2 in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like employ: my child 1b3 in the NT, pupils or disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters 1b4 children of God: in the OT of "the people of Israel" as especially dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God 1b5 children of the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so reflect his character 1c metaph.

1b1 这字被借来指人与人之间因爱,友谊,信任所结合成的亲蜜与互相的关系,如同父母与子女间的关系一般 1b2 一种慈爱的态度,如守护者,救助者,帮手,老师,和如同雇工般的自己的孩子 1b3 在新约时代,学生和门徒被称为他们老师的子女,因为老师的教导培育了学生的思想和塑造了他们的个性 1b4 神的子女:在旧约中的&以色列之民&,指其和神特别亲近;新约中保罗的书信中,用以指所有接受圣灵带领而和神有亲近的关系的人 1b5 恶魔之子:指在思想及行为受魔鬼影响,而反映出其邪恶特质的人 1c 隐喻。

Barred from their homes just a few kilometres over the border, but stigmatised in Israel where the Jews look down on them as Arabs and the Arabs despise them as traitors, their horizons and ambitions are shrunken.


They are between 10 and 20 years old, they are French of Chinese heritage and, with an ironic sense of humour, declare themselves to be "banana kids".


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
