英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Notwithstanding the contradiction between the freedom they proclaim and the obedience they exact, their rule has often been tyrannical to a degree, especially in Calvinistic communities.


Only two papers known to the author discussed the possible relationship between the estimates of Km and Vmax. Colquhoun (196 9) found a strong positive correlation between these estimates in a simulation study. Subsequently, Oliver (1970) examined this relationship by the asymptotic variance-covariance matrices. These simulation and mathematical analyses were based on the assumption that the substrate concentration is error-free, with the error confined to the reaction velocity. In addition, their work was confined to the several estimation methods.


The visitor's movement through the VitraHaus is a rather peripatetic and resolutely vertical one, as they negotiate the structure's various layers by means of staircases which, as Vitra's press release puts it rather purply,'are integrated into expansive, winding organic volumes that figurative eat their way through the various levels of the building like a worm, sometimes revealing fascinating visual relationships between the various houses, at other times blocking the view.


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


The entire Superstructure cross-section, except for traffic barrier, shall be considered to be placed at one time for purposes of determining support requirements and designing falsework girders for their stresses and deflections, except as follows: For concrete box girder bridges, the girder stems, diaphrams, crossbeams, and connected bottom slabs, if the stem wall is placed more than 5 days prior to the top slab, may be considered to be self supporting between falsework bents at the time the top slab is placed, provided that the distance between falsework bents does not exceed 4 times the depth of the portion of the girder placed in the preceding concrete placements.


Write the words lunatic, can not make real lunatic behavior but I revel in semi-sober among Banfeng like to drink a small wine Lose Tune acts can still uncertainty in the minds of state Banfeng, I think all too normal surrounding normal that I insisted another self-editing can put them familiar with it and let me be very difficult, Just as the executive and said "I have not drunk" embarrassment may not be the same dilemma lies in ourselves, but cause problems for others how to bring a half-drunk to also read "I have not drunk" person to dispose of properly - I thought that "I have not drunk" means edit out a normal ourselves, They will also agree that the normal I can this is not the side they will fight back "I know you did not get drunk", While supposed to give you a bath, or you make tea, shrub like vinegar in a meet each other, I think they recognize I did not get drunk They also want recognition I did not get drunk while I can really wake While walking, but already half-drunk, with Pan Feng.


His ministry as deacon appears to have been mostly among the Hellenist converts with whom the Apostles were at first less familiar; and the fact that the opposition he met with sprang up in the synagogues of the "Libertines"(probably the children of Jews taken captive to Rome by Pompey in 63 BC and freed hence the name Libertini), and "of the Cyrenians, and of the Alexandrians, and of them that were of Cilicia and Asia" shows that he usually preached among the Hellenist Jews.

他的部作为执事似乎已大多之间hellenist转换成与之使徒保罗起初不太熟悉;事实,那就是反对他会见摆出来,在犹太教会堂的& libertines &(可能是孩子们的犹太人采取圈养罗马由pompey在63公元前获释因此得名利伯蒂尼),和&的cyrenians ,该alexandrians ,以及他们分别的基利家和亚洲&,表明他通常会鼓吹之间hellenist犹太人。

It's another clash between Abu Sayyaf and the Philippine military in the island of Mindanao, where militants have been fighting for decades for an independent Islamic state. Muslims in the Philippines make up five percent of the predominantly Catholic population, and are concentrated in the south of the country. For centuries, they have been independent sultanates. Successfully avoiding Spanish conquest, they were subdued by US forces independently of the rest of the Philippines. However, the U.S. made them part of an independent Philippines in 1946, a move seen by the Muslims as a betrayal of trust. The on-going violence has maimed many local residents, and it is estimated that over 6,000 people require prostheses.


Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was born in Paris on 7 June, 1848, the son of Clovis Gauguin, a Republican editor, and his wife Aline Marie Chazal. In 1849, after Louis Napoléon came to power, the family emigrated to Peru. Clovis Gauguin died on the way. His widow and 2 children stayed in Lima with their rich relatives and did not return to France until 1855. On coming back they settled with the uncle Isidore Gauguin in Orléans. In 1865, Paul became a sailor and spent the next three years voyaging between France and South America, and made a voyage around the world. In 1868, Paul joined the navy, which he left after the Franco-Prussian War. Instead, he started to work as a broker's agent in Paris.

Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin是1848年6月7号出生在巴黎,他是一个共和党编辑Clovis Gauguin的儿子,他的妻子叫做Aline Marie Chazal,在1849年,路易拿破仑登上王位后,这个家庭举家迁徙到Peru这个地方,Clovis Gauguin在举家迁徙的过程中过世了,她的遗孀和两个小孩(Paul和他的姊姊Mari)仍留在Lima跟他们富有的亲戚一起生活,直到1855年之前,都未再回到法国,在回来以后的日子里,他们被叔叔Isidore Gauguin安顿在Orléans.1865年,Paul成为一个船员,花了三年的时间在法国跟南美洲之间来回的航行,而且作了一次环游全世界的航行。1868年,Paul加入了海军,the Franco-Prussian War之后,他离开了军队,取而代之的,Paul开始在巴黎展开经纪人的业务。

In the 8th to 7th B.C., Pieria became the second largest province of the Kingdom of Macedonia and helped the ancient kingdom to achieve one of its glorious chapters.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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