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与 在东方 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ditto for the Congolese researchers I met, in Orientale, who worked with the International Criminal Court.


In the East the council is succeeded by a conspiracy of silence; the Orientals will not use the word.


In the Eastern, Orthodox, Anglican, and Old Catholic churches there is also agreement that the diaconate, priesthood, and episcopate are essential orders of ministry within the church.

在东方,东正教,圣公会,与旧天主教教堂也一致认为, diaconate ,牧师和主教是必不可少的命令,部内的教堂。

NOw Morn her rosie steps in th' Eastern Clime Advancing, sow'd the earth with Orient Pearle, When Adam wak't, so customd, for his sleep Was Aerie light, from pure digestion bred, And temperat vapors bland, which th' only sound [ 5 ] Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan, Lightly dispers'd, and the shrill Matin Song Of Birds on every bough; so much the more His wonder was to find unwak'nd Eve With Tresses discompos'd, and glowing Cheek, [ 10 ] As through unquiet rest: he on his side Leaning half-rais'd, with looks of cordial Love Hung over her enamour'd, and beheld Beautie, which whether waking or asleep, Shot forth peculiar graces; then with voice [ 15 ] Milde, as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes, Her hand soft touching, whisperd thus.


Among these halls, the "Buddha Hall" demonstrates the artist's attempt most directly. In the Orient, artworks regarding religious themes usually will be presented with perfection and heavenliness, but such characteristics are not seen in Liu Dahong's work at all. Instead, the artist has calculatedly created chaos by placing parallel elements in his painting. Images of the frequently waged crusades in the history of the West, the horrifying witchcraft and the rigid statues of westerners have changed the Tibetan Buddha hall into a theater of the absurd. In the center an innocent girl struggling to get away from the stake is the most dramatic spectacle, and the giant, puppet-like Buddha along the people standing or sitting around constitute the scene of trial. In the backdrop, the landscapes and atrocities of wars often seen in western religious paintings are a keen contradiction to the people piously praying in the front. Their belief looks so hopeless.


In the East, Manichaeism survived until the 13th century.


A Moslem in Turkey -- whether Turk, Arab, or negro -- is simply a Moslem, and a Christian is a Roman, or Armenian, or Maronite, etc. Our Western idea of separating politics from religion, of being on the one hand loyal citizens of our country and on the other, as a quite distinct thing, members of some Church, is unknown in the East.


Patchouli essential oil has traditionally found its uses as a traditional medicine in the East.


In east " culture of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " below the influence, the game that Oriental develops is met more encourage individual hero creed, player leading role is the center of the world, the existence of all underling is to make the bedding that the player comes on the stage only; And be in " chivalric culture " the Hesperian that grows in atmosphere, meet more encourage group cooperation, everything in game world all around " fair " 2 words, to the player, all be such to NPC, consequently very few conference appears " preterhuman type " play protagonist.


Note that not all curved swords are scimitars and that while eastern, the scimitar started playing a sometimes significant role in Middle Eastern warfare more than two millennia before the advent of Islam in the form of the khopesh.


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Ever since she had been a child, she had grown up listening to stories told by her parents about the splendors of the city.


A sword upon the soothsayers, that they may become fools! A sword upon her warriors, that they may tremble
