英语人>网络例句>在...的帮助下 相关的搜索结果


与 在...的帮助下 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children can come to the front and do the same with the teachers help.


A similar number of groups—some 40%—were dismantled with the help of police and intelligence work.


So to make her dream of walking down the aisle come true, she enlists the help of her best pal, Randy.


With their help, she exacts revenge on her tormentors in a spectacular way.


With the help of cooperative companies, labor unions, management, and workers, we know that when any form of beryllium is milled, lathed, deburred, sanded, polished, or otherwise machined, it liberates micron- and submicron-sized particles that deposit deeply and invisibly in the lungs.


When talking about the evolution of the Book of Changes, therefore, the Modernists contend that it is important to distinguish between the traditional history assigned to texts such as the I Ching (felt to be anachronistic by the Modernists), assignations in commentaries which have themselves been canonized over the centuries along with their subjects, and the more recent scholarly history aided by modern linguistic textual criticism and archaeology.

在谈到发展的易经,因此,在现代主义者认为,重要的是要区分分配给传统的历史文本,如易经(认为是不符合时代精神的现代主义者), assignations中有自己的评注被册封千百年来与他们的问题,以及最近的学术史的帮助下现代语言考证和考古。

When talking about the evolution of the Book of Changes, therefore, the Modernists contend that it is important to distinguish between the traditional history assigned to texts such as the I Ching (felt to be anachronistic by the Modernists), assignations in commentaries which have themselves been canonized over the centuries along with their subjects, and the more recent scholarly history aided by modern linguistic textual criticism and archaeology.


Since 2002 China and Russia have been working to**her under the PAROS rubric to present ideas on a framework agreement outlawing space weapons.


Since 2002 China and Russia have been working together under the PAROS rubric to present ideas on a framework agreement outlawing space weapons.


The sirens devoured sailors that happened to pass their islands and succumbed to their songs, however the Argonauts passed safely by as Orpheus outsang the sirens causing the sirens to throw themselves into the sea to die.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
