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ZO1 and Cx26 expressions in the sensory epithelium have different location and were not overlapped. Tight junctions maintain the ion barrier between the endolymph and perilymph,and gap junctions take part in ion transportation.


In the new period, the revolutionary tinge began to fade away and the tradition of the revolutionary literature was deconstructed so that a new historical relationship of betrayal and retrogress was established.


In The Big Typescript, this dichotomy is detailed in his analysis of the temporal, spatial and genitive expressions, resulting in the distinction between the unspeakable"memory-time"(Ged〓chtniszeit) and the speakable"physical time", and that between the unspeakable"visual space" and the speakable"Euclidean space", etc;(4) From another perspective, the destruction of the conception of the "phenomenological language"could also be seen as the logical consequence of the radicalization of the one and the same conception, since this destruction does reinforce rather than weaken RLF's original intention of distinguishing the physical system from what are given in phenomena by demonstrating the incompatibility between this intention itself and the insistence on the speakability of the phenomena, which gives birth to the illusion of the"phenomenological language";(5) Nevertheless, what the radical distinction between the sense-data and the physical language (as the unique possible language) implies, according to Wittgenstein, is not that the latter has nothing to do with the former, but that the association between the two does not follow the"original sample-copy"pattern but the"screen-presenting-filmoperation"pattern, which indicates that phenomenon itself can be aroused by or included in-rather than to be described by-the physical language/system;(6) Thus Wittgenstein leads us to depart from the obsolete ambition of representing the immediately given data perfectly for a new destination where a comprehensive "perspicuity" of the"grammar"should be required and where his later philosophy is coming into being.


The reseach on activity changes of SOD, POD and CAT during the somatic embryogenesis of Y35 showed:(1) The activty of SOD was from 52.98 to 133.20 U·g-1·h-1, and remained a rising trend after early single embryo forming, this revealed that SOD might be positively correlated to the differentiation of embryogenic cell and the development of somatic embryo.(2) The activty of POD was from 0.05 to 0.50 U·mg-1·min-1, ascended firstly and desceded later, and was highest in embryogenic callus and lowest in late single embryo , this revealed that POD might be positively correlated to the division and differentiation of proembryo mass, while negatively correlated to the development of PEMⅢto late single embryo.(3) The activty of CAT was from 0.86 to 2.81 U·mg-1·min-1, showed an up-down-up trend, reaching to the highest peak at the time of early embryo formating and decreasing to the lowest at the time of early cotyledonary embryo formating, this revealed that CAT might be positively correlated to the development of early single embryo, while negatively correlated to the formation of middle single embryo and early cotyledonary embryo.The changes in activty of SOD, POD and CAT indicated these three antioxidant enzymes coregulated the differentiation and development of embryogenic cells during Larix somatic embryogenesis.4. Differentially expressed cDNA libraries of the stages of proembryo mass and somatic embryo maturation were successfully constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization.

对Y35体细胞胚胎发生过程中抗氧化酶活性变化的研究显示:(1)SOD活性在52.98~133.20 U·g-1·h-1之间,并在早期单胚形成后一直保持上升的趋势,表明其与胚性细胞的分化及体细胞胚的发育均具呈正相关;(2)POD活性在0.05~0.50 U·mg-1·min-1之间,呈现出先下降后升高的趋势,在胚性愈伤组织中最高,而在后期单胚形成时降至最低,表明其与原胚团的分裂和分化呈正相关,但与PEMⅢ向后期单胚的发育呈负相关;(3)CAT活性在0.86~2.81 U·mg-1·min-1之间,表现出升-降-升的变化趋势,在早期单胚形成时升至最高,在早期子叶胚形成时降至最低,表明其与早期单胚的发育呈正相关,而与中期单胚和早期子叶胚的发育呈负相关。

The method according to claim 6, for manufacturing a blade wherein a part external to the shell comprises a blade rooting part having at least one attachment bar, in which an end portion for linkage to a hub of said rotor is fitted with a laminate attachment, also comprising thermoplastic composite, and extending said at least one spar bar housed in the shell, the method further comprising the step of producing the elementary piece comprising the at least one spar by producing each attachment bar and the spar bar in the form of a strip of continuous and unidirectional reinforcing fibres which are agglomerated by said thermoplastic matrix, obtained by pultrusion at a melting temperature of the matrix, of several plies of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix, and, if said rooting part comprises at least two attachment bars, each one of which respectively extends one spar bar, in superimposing parts of corresponding strips forming the spar part housed in the shell, with interposition of at least one ply of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix between the adjacent superimposed strip parts, and fitting a removable tool, in the shape of a wedge, between parts held spaced from each other of two neighbouring strips, to form two attachment bars of the rooting part, then arranging the strips in a mould, and inserting each linkage end portion of a pultruded strip between two laminate elements of the attachment, to superimpose all the laminate elements of the attachment, closing the mould and compacting its contents under pressure and at a melting temperature of said thermoplastic matrix, and solidifying the matrix by cooling to rigidify the spar thus obtained with the laminate attachment solidly attached to its rooting part.

该方法根据索赔六,制造业刀片其中的一部分,罐壳外部包括一个叶片生根的一部分,拥有至少一个实习酒吧,在其中一结束部分为联系枢纽的说,转子是带有附件的层压板,也包括热塑性复合材料,并延长说,至少有一石酒吧住在蚬壳公司,进一步组成的方法步骤,生产初级一块组成的至少有一个SPAR公司生产每个附件的酒吧和酒吧在SPAR公司的形式,带不断加强和单向纤维是由烧结说,热塑性矩阵,得到的拉挤在熔化温度矩阵,数层的连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵,如果说,生根部分组成,至少有两个实习酒吧,每个人都分别延长一石酒吧,在叠加部分,相应的带形成的SPAR公司的一部分,居住在蚬壳公司,与干预的至少有一单层连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵之间的毗邻叠加条形零件,及装修一个可移动的工具,在形状,离间,部分之间举行的间隔从对方的两个邻国带,形成两个附件酒吧的生根部分,然后安排带在一个模具,并插入每个联系年底部分一拉挤带之间的二板的要素扣押,叠加所有层压板的要素扣押,关闭模具和压缩其内容的压力下和在熔化温度说,热塑性矩阵,并巩固矩阵冷却 rigidify该SPAR公司,从而获得与层压板的附着牢固重视其生根的一部分。

The study about the flux and index of gamma-ray loud blazars show:(1)there is significant correlation between the luminosities in gamma-ray and VLBI radio energy band;(2)there are strong anticorrelarions among the observed indices of soft X-ray, hard X-ray and gamma-ray. For the FSRQs, the whole X-ray emission was contributed by synchrotron self-Compton emission, for the HBLs, the X-ray emission was dominated by synchrotron emission while the soft X-ray emission is dominated by synchrotron emission and the SSC emission dominate the hard X-ray energy band for LBLs;(3) there are strong radio-radio and radio-optical flux correlations for the quasar 3C 273. The higher frequency emission leads those in lower frequency. The multi-band complex indices strongly correlated with the high frequency flux which implies that the object is becoming bright when the energy spectrum is harden.

通过对γ噪Blazar天体的谱指数、流量的相关研究,发现(1)51个样本blazar的γ射线光度与VLBI光度之间存在显著相关;(2)软X、硬X以及γ波段的观测谱指数之间存在较强的反相关,对FSRQs,无论是硬X射线还是软X射线的辐射都是逆康普顿辐射的贡献,而对于HBLs来说,则是同步辐射的贡献,对LBLs,在软X射线波段以同步辐射贡献为主,在硬X射线能区以逆康普顿贡献为主;(3)3C 273的射电各个波段以及光学之间存在强相关,高频辐射一直领先低频辐射,3C 273的多波段复合谱指数和高频流量之间存在强的反相关,意味着当能谱变硬时对象变亮。

Virginia Woolf realizes that the women writers in the nineteenth century often express their personal grievance in the novels. However, after entering the twentieth century, the women writers begin to "use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression", and pay more and more attention to the essence of the art-"freedom and fullness of expression". Secondly, she discusses the relationship between men and women, and she believes that they should be equal in society, and indicates the final goal of feminist struggle is to "deconstruct the death-dealing binary opposition of masculinity and femininity".


However, after entering the twentieth century, the women writers begin to "use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression", and pay more and more attention to the essence of the art –"freedom and fullness of expression". Secondly, she discusses the relationship between men and women, and she believes that they should be equal in society, and indicates the final goal of feminist struggle is to "deconstruct the death-dealing binary opposition of masculinity and femininity". Meanwhile, she implies the relationship between men and women by analyzing the characters of Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. Thirdly, being oppressed by the patriarchal society, women lose the right of discourse.


To validate the above conclusion, a series of mixture tests were performed and different samples were made by mixing each of three kinds of nature silt and the nature clay with different mixture ratio. The liquid-plastic limits of all the samples, in which the clay particles content were between the nature silt and the nature clay, were attained using the combined test method. The results showed that the lowest clay particles content of the silt, when it was suitable with the combined test method, is 12% to 15% with little differences. If the point of 3~4mm depth of penetration of fall cone exist, and the loglog relationship between the depth of penetration of fall cone and the water content of all the points were clearly linear, it could be concluded that the clay particles content of the sample is over the lowest value when the combined test was suitable.


In Chapter three,we choose right 25 pairs among them to carry on limitanalysis to the monosyllabic antonym using the type of analytic approachsememes, show their different antithesis situation at a sememe location ,analyze the reason and main route about the meaning of a word of antonymdevelopment. Original meaning and original meaning can be realizedsetting at a certain location;extended meaning and original meaning alsocan, etc. It has important value for analyzing the meaning of a word ofChinese antonym of the pre-Qin periodIn Chapter four, It has been analyzed in such aspects as word-building ,rhetoric and impact on antonym in later age.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
