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The research results suggest that:(1)the factors influence the control of IOR including economic,social and technological factors;(2)the application of interorganizational systems should focus on both technological and non-technological factors;(3)the stronger dependency between organizations, the more effective of the IOS reducing the coordination costs;(4)usually the investment of firms in interorganizational relationship is reciprocal;(5)the appicaton of IT changes the dependency between organizations, which should modify the coordination mechanism, resulting in the change of IOR;(6)the coordination cost affects the effectiveness of coordination among firms;(7) maintaining the interorganizational relationship influences the firms'' network life cycle and matureness;(8)both coordination cost and network size of firms affect sharing mechanisn of the costs and benefits for creating and maintaining interoganizational relationship;(9) the influence of coordination costs to the allocation of super profits deriving from interorganizational relationship is depent on the network topology;(10) the core firm in a network prefer the symmetric network.


In the 65 recorded neurons, the results showed: Characteristic frequency , minimum threshold and response latency was between 18.9 and 76.7 kHz (42.94 ± 11.29), 29 and 80dB SPL (58.65 ± 12.62), 3.1 and 13.4 ms (6.10 ± 1.47), respectively; CFs increased with the recording depth, but CF and MT were not correlated; There were three different types of discharge patterns in the IC, including phasic pattern (73.9%), chopper (15.4%) and tonic (10.7%); The types of frequency tuning curves were all V-shaped, most of which were wide type and few were narrow type.

结果发现,在所得的65个下丘神经元中:特征频率在18.9~76.7kHz(42.94±11.29)之间,最小阈值在29~80dB SPL(58.65±12.62)之间,潜伏期在3.1~10.4ms(6.10±1.47)之间;特征频率随记录深度的增加而增大,与最小阈值之间没有显著相关性;发放类型包括相位型(73.9%)、梳齿型(15.4%)和紧张型(10.7%)3种基本类型;频率调谐曲线均为开峰型,多数神经元(72.3%)调谐曲线较宽阔,少数(27.7%)较狭窄,并且多数神经元的频率调谐曲线高频边比低频边陡。

In this organogel structure, the p–p stacking interactions among the HPB moieties, the hydrogen-bonding interactions between the urea moieties, and the van der Waals forces between the long alkyl chains cooperatively stabilized the aggregate structure; these are well-known interactions in gel systems.2a,5 Specifically to clarify the effect of the hydroxyl group in the HPB unit on gelation, we also designed and synthesized reference compound 2, which does not contain an adjacent hydroxyl group and thereby cannot induce its planar keto tautomer upon excitation.

在这个organogel结构、p-p叠加之间的相互作用在HPB根、实验之间的相互作用尿素根之间,范德华力长链烷基之间的合作稳定了合计结构;这些都是著名的交互作用的凝胶 systems.2a明确厘清,羟基的效果集团在HPB装置设计和凝胶,我们也是合成的化合物、参考不包含了邻近的羟基从而无法归纳其平面在keto tautomer激励。

DNA C-value is of practical value in the forecast of the invasiveness of exotic species. However, such predictions must be made with comparisons within families because the DNA C-values vary greatly between woody and herbaceous species, between monocots and dicots, between annuals and perennials, and especially among families.

DNA C-值在预测外来物种的入侵性方面具有一定的应用价值,但是,由于在木本植物和草本植物之间、单子叶与双子叶植物之间、一年生和多年生植物之间,特别是在不同的科之间,植物的DNA C-值较明显的差异,因此,根据DNA C-值预测外来物种的入侵性,应该严格地限于同一科内的相关物种间的比较。

It comes between you and yourself, between you and your fellow man and woman, between you and nature, between you and God.


The thesis probes into Schoenberg' thinkings about music history, music nationalism, music education, music criticism, and music creation, respectively. There are some important viewpoints in Schoenberg's music thought: Firstly, Schoenberg's ideas of music history, he believes relationship of tradition and revolution in art is dialectical in nature, and argues that evolution in music was determined by natural law, obviously influenced by Hegel's philosophical history idea. Secondly, the thesis sums up his viewpoints of music nationalism, such as "lay stress on art music, look down on folk music","lay stress on western European music, look down on non- western European music" by Schoenberg's account about the reasons of the formation of national art, the dominant of national art and nationality in music; in fact, this viewpoint of western cultural centricity is one of his i mportant viewpoints throughout his life; Thirdly, Schoenberg's concept of music education: in his thought a composing teacher should teach the students how to master "the tool of art", train them for their ability of "one major and various kinds of techniques", try his best to nourish the student's personality; Fourthly, Schoenberg set forth some opinions about modern music critics and the method of music criticism: a music critic must be equipped with the quality of a music expert, and render composer's idea to the public by his art imagination, but not his personal opinion,and Schoenberg stress the areas of music criticism on style and idea ; Lastly, Schoenberg's concept of music creation: Expressionism and organism are two important issues in Schoenberg's thinking about music creation.


Through all modules gather and analyze data cooperatively, the problem of false negatives can be solved ultimately; In the condition of 1000M flux, through data processing adopt side-by-side and more thread groups, the problem of false positives can be solved ultimately; On the basis of those, the problem of intelligentized response can be solved through responding together to interdict reasonable; At last the problem of lacking ability of between person and machine each other can be solved through all parts can be managed on the same system by graphical interfaces. It incarnates detection、recovery、harmony、manage and so on, which incarnates videotext, controllable and administrable through art conformity.


Quasi-natural air delivery pattern may be the most favorable dynamic pattern. So a subjective questionnaire research on t...


Silver grass is weakly acidic, pH value is between 5.53 and 6.49, alkali buffer capacity is between 0.89ml and 3.31ml and acid buffer capacity is between 11.52ml and 17.38ml; To the wet ability of silver grass, the under-parts of stem are better than upsides, the inner surface of stem is better than surface, the wet ability of leaf is between surface and inner surface; compare with wood and wheat straw, the wet ability of silver grass is worse than that of wood but better than that of wheat straw.


Therefore, the EL spectra of (Znq_2)_4 is wider than that of Znq_2. 4._2 was synthesized. The analysis of molecular spatial structure and the characterization of material performance of_2 and Liq showed that two Liq molecules and two Naq molecules were connected by Na-O-Na bond bridges to form_2. Compared with Liq,_2 exhibits stronger rigidity in planar molecular structure, larger steric hindrance and intermolecular distance, and much smaller molecular polarity, thus resulting in much longer fluorescence lifetime, much higher fluorescence quantum efficiency, wider energy bandgap and better film formability. When used as light-emitting layer in OLED,_2 shows lower formation probability of excited dimmer and exciplex formation than Liq, thus emits bluer light with higher current efficiency than Liq. When_2 ultrathin film is used as electron injection layer in OLED, it exhibits higher current density, higher luminance, lower turn-on voltage and higher current efficiency than Liq ultrathin film for the existence of sodium ions in_2 ultrathin film. 5. The summarization the relationship between molecular spatial structure and material performance of Alq_3,(Znq_2) and Liq, lead the conclusion that the molecular spatial structure of Mq_n affects its material performance in such aspects as the rigidity of planar molecular structure, intermolecular interaction, molecule stacking mode and intermolecular distance.

制备了_2,通过对_2和Liq的分子空间结构与性能进行分析与讨论,发现_2是通过两个Na-O-Na键桥将两个Liq和两个Naq连接构成的,其分子平面结构的刚性程度强于Liq,空间位阻大于Liq,分子之间的距离大于Liq,分子极性远远小于Liq;_2的荧光寿命长于Liq,荧光量子效率高于Liq,成膜性优于Liq;_2的禁带宽度比Liq大,光致发光光谱中_2的最大发射峰较Liq发生蓝移;当_2在OLED中作为发光层时,激发二聚体与激基复合物的生成几率远远小于Liq,发的光比Liq更蓝,电流效率大于Liq;_2超薄膜中有Na离子的存在,与Liq超薄膜相比,当其在OLED中作为电子注入层时,具有更大的电流密度,更高的发光强度,更低的阈值电压和更高的电流效率 5、对上述Alq_3、Znq_2和Liq的分子空间结构与材料性能之间的关系进行了归纳总结,认为Mq_n的分子空间结构主要在分子平面结构的刚性程度,相邻分子之间的相互作用,分子堆叠的方式和分子之间的距离这四个方面影响其性能。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
