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与 在...之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Strength is power among the centaur, and the easiest way to earn respect among centaur is to prove your power.


And in the last stage, the transitional ternary phase is transformed to the chalcopyrite CIS phase.


The result indicate that there are no bud seat and cicatricle,or the knurl is not obvious.The width of the square bud is between 16 and 25 millime...

分析结果表明,核桃生长期方块芽接时砧木和接穗的量化指标为:①接穗芽座无,叶痕无或有隆起但不明显;②方块芽芽片宽度在16~25 mm,长度在40~50 mm之间;③绑扎方式为露芽和叶柄;④导流孔宽度2~5 mm之间;⑤砧木嫁接部位的粗度以1.3~2.0 cm最为适宜。

The following are the expressionsfor the mean pressure set up at the detection plate and for the time of the signal toprogagate from the radiator to the detector:这里是1个公式,省略) where Re is the real part of the expression appearing within the braces, 0 is the density ofthe medium, vo is the amplitude of the vibrational velocity, c is the speed of sound in themedium, d2 = I +(r/zcos 8, z is the distance between the emitting and receiving plates, B is the angle between the axis of the acoustic channel andthe axis of the tube, r = vro/c, v is the flow speed of the fluid, d is thediameter of the pipe, m is the circular frequency, k is the wave number,where a is the radius of the plate (this is taken as the same for the emitting and receivingplates for simplicity, but there is no difficulty in discussing plates differ~mg in radii),,~ is the vibrational frequency of the emitting plate, andThe triple sums in the expressions for N~ and N2 may be neglected if the flow speed islow, since the contributions for these become negligible.

以下是表达式平均压力为定于检测板和为信号时间progagate从散热器到探测器:(这里是1个公式,省略)假如再是出现在大括号表达式的实部,0是密度中期,沃是速度的振动幅度,C是健全的速度中,D2中=我+的导向8,z是对之间的距离发射与接收板,B是声之间的通道轴角该管的轴,R =中心内大多分为/荤,v是流体的流动速度,,D是管道直径,m是圆频率,k是波数,的其中一盘是半径(这是为重点,同样的发射与接收为le简单板,但没有讨论板的困难,在半径不同毫克),,是发光板振动频率,和在N的表达式的三重总结和N2可以忽略,如果流速低,因为这些变得微不足道的贡献。

From the first chapter to the forth chapter, it summarizes four France capitalistic ideas on equality: the idealistic equality, the empirical equality, the systematized equality, and the singular equality. Then, it can be explored minutely from representative character, advance presupposition, doctrinal content, objective state, practical counterpoint, institutional embodiment, the tend of practice, theory extending and so on. In the fifth chapter, it researches into their contradiction and contestation between the four equalities, indicates their class-conscious essence, and tries to find out a direction to sole these questions. In the sixth chapter, as the intrinsic tendency of soling these deep-seated contradictions of the four equalities, the paper traces the process of France communism from chimerical idea to scientific theory, so that it can point out a gospel: the scientific socialism is the one and only way to surmount these embarrassments of capitalistic theories on equality. At the last chapter, according to our reviews about theories of equality during the hundred years in France, it can conclude some political apocalypse from our history. Owning the wisdom, we could choose our road to the equality, by using these experiences in the west political histories.


Wu Jinglian,1994.Because of the two layers of entrustment in the management of the company, namely, the Agent relationship between the shareholders and the board of directors, and the clientage between the board and the managers, the board of directors being agents, as well as clients, the board of directors occupies the pivot status in companys administration structure. So both the property right structure and the development strategy of company rest on the boards of directors eventually.


In monthly closing, calculate cost of goods sold and allocate variance between actual and standard cost to COGS and inventory.


Close the valve, the need to open and close with the Coma Berenices two pieces of the sealing surface of the seal formed between certain specific pressure, while also overcoming the stem and the packing between the stem and the nut thread between the stem end bearing at and other friction parts of the friction, and therefore must apply the closing force and closing a certain moment, the valve in the open and close the process, the required hoisting hoisting force and moment of change, and its maximum is close to the final instant or open the initial transient.


Close the valve, the need to open and close with the Coma Berenices two pieces of the sealing surface of the seal formed between certain specific pressure, while also overcoming the stem and the packing between the stem and the nut thread Automatic Control Valves between the stem end bearing at and other friction parts of the friction, and therefore must apply the closing force and closing a certain moment, the valve in the open and close the process, the required hoisting hoisting force and moment of change, and its maximum is close to the final instant or open the initial transient.


Close discharge valve, the need to open and close with the Coma Berenices two pieces formed between the sealing suce sealing certain specific pressure, while also overcoming the stem and the packing between the stem and the nut thread between the stem end Department and other friction parts bearing friction, and must exert a certain degree of closing force and closing moments, PUMP CONTROL VALVE EN700X the valve in the open and close the process, the required hoisting hoisting force and torque is the change, Its maximum is in the closed or open end of the initial transient instantaneous.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
