英语人>网络例句>在...之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在...之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now the structure has several fundamental characteristics as follows, the disparity of income within basic stratum appears remarkably widen, not only takes among different trades, but also between leaders and the be-managed; the disparity of income between white-collar and blue-collar tends to reasonable in balance; although the disparity of labors' income in different proprietorship takes on some widening, evidence in the mass is not obvious, except labors' income in collective enterprise is relatively low; owing to "non-position income" of partial labors having an increasing proportional to "position income", the disparity of real income grows more serious; peasants having moved into city locate in the lowest class of urban income structure; polarization between the have and the have-not just comes, and so on.


When comparing USFA concentration, it tended to be higher in female. Breast meat contained significantly higher saturated fatty acid (P.001) and leaf fat contained significantly higher USFA (P.001). C18:2 content from birds kept in wet pad type housing increased significantly between 10-11-wk old; at 10-12-wk old, the increment in male was significant while gradient increment was noted in female between 11-12-wk old. The content of USFA in breast meat tended to increase gradually with age and vice versa for SFA after 12-wk old. The trend for SFA and USFA content in thigh meat were gradual after 7-wk old while no considerable change was noted for the SFA and USFA content in the leaf fat.


The federal courts also have authority to naturalize persons as U.S. citizens and to settle certain legal disputes, such as: between citizens of different states; between two or more states; between individuals and the federal government; between states and the federal government; and, between states and foreign governments.


Major results were summarized as follows:(1) A total of 58 tree species from 53 genera in 36 families among which 8 species were Rosaceae, 5 species were Liliaceae, 5 species were Eriaceae, 3 species were Ranunculaceae, 3 species were Compositae, 2 species were Cupressaceae, 2 species were Caprifoliaceae, 2 species were Umblliferae, and other 28 tree species were only one receptively. These were recorded in the 8 plots of the A. georgei var. smithii forest;(2) Number of families, genera, species and Margalef index correlated negatively with altitude (P.05), with a peak at 3600 m.(3) Shannon-Wiener index correlated negatively with altitude (P.01), and maintained stable at the altitudes between 3700~4100 m, evenness with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.(4) Jaccard index increased sharply with increasing altitude at the altitudes between 3600~4100 m, and was lower between different vegetation types at the altitudes between 4100~4200. Cody index β(subscript c decreased with an increasing altitude, but there were 2 troughs between 4000~4100 m and 4200~4300 m.(5) Maximum tree height H(subscript max and HH(subscript max=37 mcorrelated negatively with altitude (P.05); but basal area and BA BA(subscript max=5.3m^2 correlated with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.

结果表明:(1)在调查的8个急尖长苞冷杉林样地内共有植物58种,分属于36科53属,其中植物较多的科有蔷薇科8种、百合科5种、杜鹃花科5种、毛茛科3种、菊科3种、柏科2种、忍冬科2种、伞形科2种,其余的28科各只有1个种;(2)物种科、属、种数、Margalef指数D(下标 M与海拔存在显著的负相关性(P.05),在分布急尖长苞冷杉最低海拔3600m处出现物种丰富度的最大值;(3)多样性指数与海拔之间有极显著的负相关性(P.01),并且在3700~4100m之间多样性指数保持稳定;均匀度指数与海拔梯度之间存在负相关性,但不显著;(4)Jaccard指数C(下标 j在海拔3600~4100m随海拔的升高而升高,在生境过渡带的4100~4200m之间Jaccard指数C(下标 j较低;Cody指数β(下标 c随海拔的升高呈下降的趋势,但在4000~4100m和4200~4300m 海拔区间出现2个低谷;(5)最大树高H(下标 max和最大胸径DBH(下标 max与海拔之间存在显著负相关性(P.05);胸高断面积之和和立木密度与海拔之间存在负相关性,但不显著。

Based on the established GIS of the Oncomcelania Snails' distribution in Dongting Lake, the author analyzes the environmental condition of the Oncomcelania Snails' habitates comprehensively by the spatial analyzing technology. The results are as following: firstly, the predominant vegetation of Oncomcelania Snails habitat is reed and sedgy. The habitats with reed has a higher livability than with sedgy as dominating vegetation. However, the diffusion of Oncomcelania Snails is much serious in the habitats with sedgy. Secondly ,the predominant soil type of the Oncomcelania Snails breeding area is temporary submergic paddy soils, which is in weak acidity environment, of that PH value is 5.5--7.5, and the organic content is in 2---3%. Thirdly, the 80 percent of the Oncomcelania Snails breeding area, the normalized difference vegetation index of that is in 0.100-0.375%, and the soil humidity of that is in 0.202—0.507, and the distance to the water of that is in 10-230 meters.


Men, at first, for the most part, contented themselves with what unassisted nature offered to their necessities: and though afterwards, in some parts of the world,(where the increase of people and stock, with the use of money, had made land scarce, and so of some value) the several communities settled the bounds of their distinct territories, and by laws within themselves regulated the properties of the private men of their society, and so, by compact and agreement, settled the property which labour and industry began; and the leagues that have been made between several states and kingdoms, either expressly or tacitly disowning all claim and right to the land in the others possession, have, by common consent, given up their pretences to their natural common right, which originally they had to those countries, and so have, by positive agreement, settled a property amongst themselves, in distinct parts and parcels of the earth; yet there are still great tracts of ground to be found, which (the inhabitants thereof not having joined with the rest of mankind, in the consent of the use of their common money) lie waste, and are more than the people who dwell on it do, or can make use of, and so still lie in common; tho' this can scarce happen amongst that part of mankind that have consented to the use of money.


The proportion of rents that firms get depends on their network capability. This reveals the essential relationships between network resource, network rents and network capability: First of all, network rents come from the network resources. Furthermore, network rent is the representative of the competitive advantage and the value of the network resource. Second, network resource is the foundation of the network capability, the function of network capability is activated in the process of using network resource by firm. It enables the network resource to be a potential value resource of the competitive advantage. At last, network capability activates the network rents in the network resource, and make sure that the firm get the additional benefit;(4) the network capability can be classified as: network visioning capability, network constructing capability, network operating capability and network constructing capability. Some factors, such as maturity of IT, openness of culture, management system involved, experience of participation in network, have a positive effect on the network capability of the firm;(5) the impact of network capability on innovation performance is realized through knowledge transfer between network partners, namely, knowledge transfer is the mediator; and (6) the type of innovation network, exporation network or exploitation network, has moderator effect on the relationship of network capability and knowledge transfer, and network capability and innovation performance as well. In the exploration network, network constructing capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation. In the exploitation network, network operating capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation.


The protease activity in foregut was higher than that of midgut in an acidic condition at pH 5.0-5.8, while in an alkalescence condition at pH 7.0-8.6, the protease activity was higher in midgut than that in foregut. The lipase activity of foregut was high and stable in two pH ranges: 4.2-5.0 and 6.2-7.0, and that of midgut was high at pH 3.8, while the lipase lost enzyme activity at pH over 9.0. The amylase activity was high and stable at pH 6.6-7.4 in both foregut and midgut. The cellulase activity of foregut and midgut was high and stable at pH 6.2-7.4 and 5.4-7.0 respectively.


For this I cut up some playing cards into strips to use as flexible scrapers to get in between the clamps.


For example, I speak to the students and the other another distinction, I have another first in the "an" and "other" Draw a vertical line. then inspire students under the Articles, The distinction between an ponder another and the other on the difference between through the analysis of two Articles 2 and indefinite pronouns between the common feature then from the indefinite article and the article migration between the different mentality out indefinite pronouns between two similar distinction.

例如,我在给学生们讲the other与another的区别时,我就先在another的&an&与&other&之间画一条竖线,然后启发学生根据冠词the、 an之间的区别去思考the other与 another之间的区别,即通过分析两个冠词与两个不定代词之间的共同特征,进而从不定冠词和定冠词之间的不同迁移思维出两个不定代词之间类似的区别。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
