英语人>网络例句>在...之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在...之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the same night one cannot visit the morgue, the infirmary, the zoo, the signs of the zodiac, the limbos of philosophy , the caves of epistemology, the arcana of Freud and Stekel… On the merry go round one doesn't get anywhere, whereas with the Germans one can go from Vega to Lope de Vega, all in one night, and come away as foolish as Parsifal.


Disclosed is a method for object correspondence identification between two image sets, said method steps comprising roughly aligning the two image sets, receiving (200) a selected point in said one image set, locating (210) a rough matching point in said another image, defining (210) a first volume-of-interest around said selected point, defining (230) a search window around said matching point comprising a plurality of neighboring points, for every point in said search window, defining (240) a second volume-of-interest, computing (250) the similarity between each said second volume-of-interest with said first volume-of-interest, and selecting (280) that second volume-of-interest that is most similar to said first volume-of-interest.


Human resource training mode is a kind of training management system, in which the training management process is the core. In this system, business enterprise according to actual circumstance of every employee to program and manage the training proceeds totally. Each training item, alone item and total training programming are all organizable and mutually contacting. The choice of each training item is supported by the system; the execution and management of employee training is to be placed in an organic and dynamic circulation in the system.


In this case, which looks at the relationship between sales and scrap volumes, over time, the data is inferred through a simple arithmetic triangulation between sales volume and parc size.

在这种情况下,看关系在销售之间和小块容量,在时间期间,数据被推断通过简单的算术三角测量在销售量和parc 大小之间。

In the frame, Design Structure Matrix is the tool to build up the models of product structure and development process. The product structure topology tree is defined, and the product structure DSM model is introduced. The formalized description about development process model is presented. The characteristics of the tools to build up development process are analyzed, the strongpoint of DSM is discussed, and the development process model based on DSM is introduced. The relation between product structure and development process is analyzed.

在研究框架中引入了产品结构和开发过程的建模工具——设计结构矩阵(Design Structure Matrix, DSM);给出了产品结构拓朴树的定义及其形式化描述,并在此基础上引入了产品结构DSM模型;给出了产品开发过程模型的形式化描述,比较了几种常见的产品开发过程建模工具,分析了用DSM建模工具进行产品开发过程建模的优势,引入了产品开发过程DSM模型;分析了产品结构与开发过程之间的联系,提出了两者之间的集成机制,并在此基础上给出了IM-PSDP模型。

The radioactive fall-out from the death last week in London of Alexander Litvinenko—a former KGB agent who was apparently poisoned with polonium—may have been small (although radioactive traces have been found on aircraft that flew between Moscow and London before Mr Litvinenko's death).

上周发生在伦敦的前俄罗斯克格勃间谍Alexander Litvinenko因为放射性钋210中毒死亡很可能会大事化小,小事化了(尽管这种放射性物质泄漏在Litvinenko死亡案之间曾经在莫斯科与伦敦之间的航班当中发现过)。

The CO2 uptake rate of plants is affected by the plant species and environmental conditions such as photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, water and nutrient contents. PAR is the most immediate environmental control on photosynthesis while air temperature affects both photorespiration and dark respiration. In the natural condition, PAR and temperature play an important role in net CO2 uptake. The effects of PAR and air temperature on the CO2 uptake of Pterocarpus macrocarpus grown in a natural habitat were studied in the present work. Due to many uncontrollable factors, a simple rectangular hyperbola could not represent the measured data. The data were divided into groups of 2℃ intervals; CO2 uptake in each group may then be related to PAR by a rectangular hyperbola function. Using the obtained functions, the effect of PAR was removed from the original data.


Then I need to make sure I've got the symlink set up correctly in each runlevel where I want it to run, and if I happen to need it to execute between two scripts that are consecutively numbered, I need to do some symlink renumbering (e.g., if S10xxx and S11yyy exist, and I want zzzz to run between, I need to resymlink one of those files to squeeze zzzz between them).


Unable to let go, Limi keeps his photos tucked in a magazine, showing them to every passenger that boards for a ride, hoping one day, she might run into someone who will give her a clue.


Drawing on studies in intercultural communication, applied linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse studies and other researches related to the studies of language, culture and communication, the author bases her ideology for interculturalizing ELT in China mainly on three lines of thinking: 1 the perception of language, communication and culture as triunity in language teaching and learning; 2 the understanding of the English teaching/learning process as dialogic interactions between the learner and the culture Other and between their pertaining linguacultures; 3 the rethinking of ELT in China as intercultural literacy education oriented towards intercultural speakership of the learner as a full-fledged member of the global community powered with intercultural communication competence in English.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
