英语人>网络例句>在...之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在...之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So the tension、velocity、 length and time, all these four variates are needed for description of myocardial constitutive properties. Up to now, it is not clear in the study of myocardial dynamics just mentioned above. Especially, some studies on myocardial dynamics are aimed at only two items of these fours, but others are not in a constant level. As a result, the study in different ways has poor comparibility, even contradicts each other.


In chapter 5, we demonstrates for the first time that solvating the alkali metal ion in〓 by THF can change the electronic state of 〓 significantly.


We performed a simulative test, which confirms that wavelet analysis can separate annual wobble and Chandler wobble. Our results show that this method can be used in astronomical geodynamies effectively. This paper is divided into two parts. The first is about statistic characteristic of polar motion. Polar motion includes secular motion, long period fluctuations, Chandler wobble, annual wobble and high frequency wobble. The secular motion is 3.4mas/year and towards 760W meridian. Long period fluctuations have difference periods in x-axis and y-axis. They are 31.7-year and 24-year in x-axis and 28.5-year and 22.9-year in y-axis. These 2~? decades fluctuations have an amplitude of about 30 mas , and are very nearly linearly polarized, with the observed motion of pole being almost entirely along a line between 360E and 1440W. There is a 55.4-year wobble whose amplitude is 9 mas. The amplitude of the interannual fluctuations is about 4? mas. The amplitude of long period fluctuations decreased after 1970. The annual wobble is a steady wobble. It retrograde wobble is only 1/20 of prograde wobble in amplitude.

本文的工作主要分为两部分:第一部分是通过分析POLE97序列,我们对极移的统计特性有了一个较全面的认识,极移主要包括趋势项、长周期项、Chandler项、周年项和高频项:趋势项的方向是西经76°,速度为每年3.4mas;长周期项中Markowitz 项在X、Y两个方向有不同的周期,它们分别是:X方向的两个周期是31.7年和24 年,Y方向的两个周期为28.5年和22.9年它们叠加在一起是一个线偏振运动,最大振幅约为30mas,偏振方向在西经144°和东经36°之间;极移的长周期波动中还存在一个 55.4年周期的圆周运动,振幅约为9mas;十年尺度变化的振幅在4~6mas之间,在Y 方向十年尺度的成份比较多,它们的周期在X方向和Y方向不是对应的;从七十年代年开始长周期变化的振幅明显降低;周年项是一个振幅稳定的摆动,在X、Y两个方向的振幅略有差别,逆向运动振幅大约为顺向运动振幅的1/20;Chandler摆动的振幅自1900年以来经历了几次较大的变化,其中包括1915年和1955年两次极大值,振幅分别达到0&。25和0&。28,以及1925~1940期间小于0.09的过程,Chandler项在X、Y 两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

These disputes made their appearance even in the order itself, and were fanned to a flame by the rivalry between the nations and between the different reform branches, the most heated contention being between the Observants and the Reformanti.


Based on these results, it is reasonable to assume that cationic surfactant could form well-stabilized films on the surface of partially hydrated polyacrylamide solution, as a result a kind of surface active complex was formed between cationic surfactant and HPAM.


There exists a positive correlation in the analysis of the relationship between the students" proficiency test of self-explanation and academic performances in the correlation reaearch of the students" proficiency test of self-explanation and academic performances: there is a close relationship between academic performances of students and the mastery level of chemical concept study. As for the students with higher level of self-explanation,their quality of learning is higher and their academic performances are relatively better, proving that there is a close positive correlation between the academic performance of the test subjects and their self-explanation ability.


Also, the establishment of logistic regression model proves that the choice of stock delivery valuation methods doesn't vary greatly by political affairs and cost of contract, while the establishment of multiple linear regression model bears out that there is a statistics significan ce between accounting evaluation, accounting profession judgment from listed companies' non-circulating assets value depreciation and reflux and the scale of major business income and the relation of high and low ratio of debt to equity. Yet, there is no statistic significance between the relationship of the publication of interest encouraging plan and company establishment date.


The press has scoured every exit poll for the latest evidence of racial polarization, not just in terms of white and black, but black and brown as well.


Second, wetland landscape pattern dynamic change of Kenli County Take TM as the information source, according to studies the region wetland ecosystem present situation characteristic, wetland is divided into 10 kinds: irrigation paddy field, pit pond water surface, cultivation water surface, artificial ditch, reservoir water surface, salt field, rivers water surface, reed, shallow seas and tidelands, beach. The wetland landscape area is remarkable dropt from 1987 to 2004.In 1987 the wetland area occupied 14.10% of Kenli county, but only was 12.33% in 2004, it reduced 6155.12 hm2 in 17 years and average reduced 362.07 hm2 every year, the reduction scope of shallow seas and tidelands wetland is biggest 3894.78 hm2. The shallow seas and tidelands and reed are frequent transformation with other type.

2查清了研究区湿地景观格局动态变化规律以TM影像为信息源,根据研究区域湿地生态系统现状特征,把垦利县湿地分为10类;湿地景观面积在研究时段内呈显著下降趋势,1987年湿地面积占整个研究区总面积的14.10%,但到2004年只占12.33%,17年共减少6155.12 hm2,平均每年减少362.07 hm2,其中滩涂湿地面积减少幅度最大3894.78 hm2;从各湿地类型之间的转换来看,各种湿地景观之间、湿地和非湿地之间相互转化和逆转并存,滩涂和苇地与其他地类转换频繁;研究区湿地景观斑块数量增多,景观多样性指数1987年为1.7643,2004年下降到1.7105,均匀度指数由1987年的0.6873上升到2004年的0.6923。

Persistnece of vision or flicker fusion prevents us fom seeing the lines between each frame, while the phi-phenomenon or stroboscopic effect, analysed betwen 1912 and 1916 by the psychologists Max Wertheimer and Hugo Munsterberg, provides a mental bridge between the frames to permit us to see a seires of static images as a single coninouous movement.

视觉暂留和频闪效果防止我们看到画格之间的黑格,而PHI 现象或间隙效果(在1912年和1916年之间由心理学家M。韦特麦尔和H。蒙斯特堡分析出来的,则提供了画格之间的一个思想桥梁,从而使我们把一系列静态的视觉形象看成是单一的连续运动。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
