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Experimental results showed that, in this process, the optimal pH of the shortcut nitrification was 8.0~8.5; when the pH was less than 6,the nitrification is completely inhibited; when the pH was 6~7, at the end of aeration, the Nitrobacteria become the dominant bacteria because of the dropping of the free ammonia concentration. It is known to all, the activity of the Nitrobacteria and Nitrosomonas was affected by FA concentration, so nitrification was affected by FA concentration. According to the author's research results, the FA concentration which inhibit the Nitrobacteria was below 1.0mg/L,which inhibit the Nitrosomonas was above 10mg/L.


In China, because of these policies, different religions and religious organizations as well as religious people and nonreligious people respect each other and live in harmony.


We compared three competing hypotheses which maintained that euprimates originated in Africa, the India subcontinent, or East Asia. Combined the recent achievements on the mammalian fauna exchanges during early Eocene between Europe and Africa, Europe and Asia, and Asia and India subcontinent, the paleogeographic models of around Turgai Strait, the new dating results of the collision between Indian subcontinent and Asia, and the phylogenetic analysis of euprimate, we suggested that the Asian-origin hypothesis of euprimates are more reliable.


This observation provided a strong support to the point that most leaves export the most of assimilates in the light time. Plasmodesmal densities between SE/CC, CC/PP, PP/PP and PP/BSC (bundle-sheath cell) decreased in weak light. Plasmodesmata were observed between CC/SE (nacreous-walled sieve element), PP/BSC in branch veins in normal light intensity, but not in weak light. Thus apoplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in weak light, however symplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in normal light intensity.


Transcriptional activity of ACL recombinants normalized by Renilla was significant difference with pGL3-Basic expect for construct -27 and -15 (P<0.01). Construct -919 contains highest activity. 3 times reduction of transcriptional activity from-919 to -679bp indicated that negative regulation factors located probably in this region. The activity started on construct -73 suggested the basal promoter activity was located within the -73 to +77bp region; Transcriptional activity of IDHβrecombinants was not significantly different between the recombinant -58 and pGL3-Basic. The activity started on construct -82, decreasing with the length of the fragment up to -164 in despite of a bit of fluctuation, and kept increasing from construct -164 up to -279. Thus, the basal promoter activity was located within the -82 to +16bp region, whereas the upstream 197bp conferred maximal transcriptional activity.


Temporal and spatialcorrelation of Soil moisture under vertical direction was affected by some factor such asmeteorology, land use and fertilization measures. All siol moisture in different layers hastemporal and spatial correlation when soil moisture fluctuates of surface layer becausestability, but influence ability of each factor is not the same. For example, meteorologyhas most strong impact on temporal and spatial correlation of soil water content.


Bit of asthma rises nevertheless is not incommensurate the setting inside,I look to still go,it doesn't matter is alarming.What Isay is suffocative come,because,be Ithe first eat rarely to go out again in the evening activity the activity arrived so before dawn will be very hungry.The 2nd,boiled yesterday do not have come to an agreement or understanding very late to have aheadache abit so again by day.It is clearer that actually the United States sends the choice that makes between gender and love,the hero in film people it is to go after the stimulation between young and went one case,the sort of junior is born and is the power of kind of scramble for sth between old boy of course,it is for blindly traditional and the pr actical joke that has sexual side.Its ultimate goal is continuance merely those so called traditions.


Records of herbaceou s vegetation were obtained from sites where the zokor were trapped. The results showed that there are not difference between two type of habitats and between se x, but the frequency of the herbage composition had the significant difference.


Ancient Greece and Rome has been the trading activities of the military forces strong and positive support of military activities: Augustus sent an expeditionary force south of the Arabian Peninsula in depth, in order to seize a number of businessmen in Rome the most important port; in科普托斯and the desert between贝雷尼切pass a road repair, wells along the way Stephen cited the creation of Tuen or post, every team has a team to desert the armed forces of the Roman official bodyguards and the Fayum oasis southwest between Fayyoum the business, as well as between the business and Egypt has taken similar measures to be protected.


Study 2 used 2(conflict target: supervisor/subordinate)×3(conflict management mode: integrating/obliging/dominating ) design, letting participants to evaluate the effeciency and appropriateness of the management mode used in the contexts. The results showed:(1) the integrating mode were perceived most efficient and appropriage within the three conflict modes;(2) the interaction between the referent role of conflict object and the management mode is significant, which means when the conflict took place with the supervisor, the participants thought the obliging mode was more appropriate and efficient , while when it took place between the subordinate, they thought the dominating mode was more appropriate and efficient than obliging mode.(3)the interaction between SDO and conflict management mode is significant, which means the participants with high SDO would make no preference between obliging and dominating mode, but the participates with low SDO would favor the dominating rather than obliging mode;(4) the interaction between dialectical ways of thinking and conflict management mode is significant, the lower the level of dialectical way of thinking the participants were, the more difference were found between the appraisal of obliging and dominating mode.(5) the moderating effect of SDO and dialectical ways of thinking to the relationship between conflict object and management mode were not significant, which means the relative position of conflict object in China is so strong that can't be affected by SDO and dialectical ways of thinking.

研究二采用2*3(冲突处理方式:迁就/支配/整合)的情境设计,让被试对情境中冲突主角的冲突处理方式进行恰当有效性的评价,结果显示: 1、在与上级或下级发生冲突时,被试对迁就、支配和整合三种策略中整合式的恰当有效性的评价最高;2、冲突对象的相对地位与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即当与上级发生冲突时,被试认为使用迁就的处理方式比支配的方式更恰当有效,而与下级发生冲突时,被试则认为使用支配的处理方式比迁就的方式更有效; 3、SDO与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即SDO水平高的被试对迁就式与支配式的认知评价没有差异,而SDO水平低的被试对支配式比迁就式有更高的评价;4、辩证思维水平与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即低辩证思维水平的个体比高辩证的个体对支配式与迁就式的评价差异更大;5、SDO水平及辩证思维方式水平对冲突对象影响冲突处理方式评价的程度的调节作用不显著。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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