英语人>网络例句>在...之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在...之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The leaf modules of different age tillers of grey green and yellow green ecotypes had the same regulation of allometry and biomass accumulation at the reproductive stage in the Songnen Plain. All quantity indices, such as biomass, length and width of leaf and regulation of biomass accumulation, were different between the two habitats of the same ecotype and between the two ecotypes at the same habitat. The results showed both ecotypes had adapted to their corresponding habitat and obviously had ecological plasticity.


The test results of 20 blood samples detected on different hematological analyzers were analyzed by a q test which indicated that there were no statistical differences between blocks(P>0.05). The correlative coefficient was over 0.97 and the relative deviation was within the range of allowable error.


Based on force diagram an analytical expression between some factors and splaying angle of the bar is brought forward, pointing out that splaying angle of the bar should be 2 3 degrees, and slitting angle should be 30 degrees approximately, outboard slant angle on the slitting groove should be 45 50 degrees and bite angle should be 7 8 degrees.

为稳定小规格带肋钢筋的三线切分轧制,对涉及棒材张开角的切分孔孔型诸角度进行了分析,通过对轧件受力状态的讨论,提出了诸因素与棒材张开角之间的解析式,指出满足三线切分稳定轧制时的棒材张开角应为 2°~ 3°,相应的孔型切分角为 30°左右,孔型外侧壁倾角应在 4 5°~ 5 0°之间,咬入角可控制在 7°~ 8°之间等。

The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.


11 The facilities hereby expressed to be granted to the Borrower may be utilized or drawn down by all or any one or more of them AND the repayment and other obligations of the Borrower hereunder shall continue to be binding upon all of them notwithstanding that not all of them may from time to time or at any time have been making use of the facilities hereby expressed to be granted or that such facilities may be utilized by all or any one or more of the Borrower in different proportions AND shall continue in full force and effect and be binding upon all the persons comprising the Borrower and any of them not released by the Lender from their obligations hereunder notwithstanding the liquidation or cessation of business of any of the Borrower or the release by the Lender of any one or more of the Borrower from any or all of their obligations hereunder AND no arrangement between the Borrower and their successors or assigns shall prejudice the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against any one or more of them and in such order and manner as the Lender may think fit and the relationship between the Lender and/or the Borrower shall be that of principal and debtors and no giving of time or indulgence to or release of any one or more of the Borrower shall affect the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against the other or others as if such giving of time indulgence or release had not been made

18.11 根据本契据明文规定批予借款人的信贷安排,可由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人使用或提取,而借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续对全部各人具约束力,即使并非全部各人皆不时或在任何时间利用根据本契据明文规定批予的信贷安排,或即使信贷安排可能由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人按不同比例使用,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务仍须继续对全部各人具约束力。即使借款人任何一个清盘或停业,或贷款人已解除借款人任何一个或多个在本契据中的任何或全部责任,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续有效,并对借款人所包括的全部各人及当中任何未获贷款人解除本契据义务的人士具约束力;借款人、其继承人或受让人之间的安排,不得妨碍贷款人以其认为合适的次序及方式针对借款人及其继承人/受让人任何一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,而贷款人及/或借款人之间的关系须为债权人与债务人之间的关系,借款人任何一人或多人获延期、宽限或免除责任,均不得影响贷款人针对其他一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,犹如从未作出延期、宽限或免除责任一样。

This chapter provides a mathematic model for the transformation between two images obtained from the same scene. Based on pin-hole camera model, the relationship between the coordination of two images is discussed using two camera models, and it is proved that geometric relationship of two images obtained from one scene satisfies affine transformation.


This chapter provides a mathematic model for the transformation between two images obtained from the same scene. Based on pin-hole camera model, the relationship between the coordination of two images is discussed using two camera models, and it is proved that geometric relationship of two images obtained from one scene satisfies affine transformation.


So far as the last two questions are concerned , Hannah Arendt's standpoint of reconstructing the public realm, as the author believes, lies in her concern for the so-called ""the thinking things"", including the thinking itself, judgment, imagination, the sense of taste, sensus communis, and so on.


The corresponding relations between the strain of the static state and dynamic cycle load and the volume resistance of the short chopped carbon fibers, short chopped carbon mat, unidirectional carbon fibers reinforced vinyl resin composites is existed. The physical modes of these kinds of composites are also designed based on the experiment data. The resistance and strain of the short chopped fibers reinforced vinyl composites satisfy the equation of y =A + Bx + Cx~2 in the static strain test method and the short chopped mat reinforced vinyl composites is y = A + Bx.


Higgins, which we ordered to be burnt by the common hangman, as it well deserved, though we have no more to do with his Grace of Canterbury, than you have with the Archbishop of Dublin, whom you suffer to be abused openly, and by name, by that paltry rascal of an observatory; and lately upon an affair, wherein he had no concern; I mean, the business of the missionary of Drogheda, wherein our excellent primate was engaged, and did nothing but according to law and discretion


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
