英语人>网络例句>国会议员 相关的搜索结果


与 国会议员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Keboxun expresses when accepting media to interview, There is assemblyman to had used Twitter before me likely, it is I stopped without discovery only, but be known with respect to me, I am congress registers Twitter the first times, use it.


In 1919, American-born Lady Astor was elected the first female member of the British Parliament.


The revelations have shown senior ministers and backbench politicians alike milking the system to their maximum advantage even if the claims all fall within the Commons rules.


Although the congressional leadership has indicated its willingness to get onboard with the plan, rank-and-file lawmakers from both parties are balking at what's been called the largest bailout in U.S.


Now that I represent my borough and may sit for the country, they begin to recollect me!


This proposal earned support from both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill.


Cartman addresses Congress in an attempt to save his friend by convincing them of the merits of stem-cell research.


Cartman addresses Congress in anattempt to save his friend by convincing them of the merits ofstem-cell research.


But many democrats voiced strong opposition ,among them California Congress woman Barble LeeIt does not strike the proper balance between protecting National security and preserving our chari's civil liberty.

不过很多民主党元发表他们的反对意见,美国国会女议员中的Barbara Lee说"保护国家安全和保存我们珍贵的民主权之间的平衡点兵不因为这一点儿被打破。"

It is a good idea that began in Congress, of all places. In 2006 Barack Obama and Tom Coburn, then freshman senators from Illinois and Oklahoma, sponsored a bill calling for an online database of federal contracts and awards.

从各地的国会开始这样做,是一个好主意。2006年,巴拉克·奥巴马和Tom Coburn,还有伊利诺斯州、俄克拉何马州的新议员们发起了一项法案,要求建立联邦政府的合同和奖金的网上数据库。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
