英语人>网络例句>国会议员 相关的搜索结果


与 国会议员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A 43-year-old jobless woman, who never dreamed of becoming a lawmaker, was elected to Japan's House of Representatives, local media reported. A Democratic Party of Japan upper house lawmaker presciently asked Kayoko Isogai, who has held mostly non-regular jobs since finishing university, to run as a candidate at the bottom of a local ballot and she got the nod from voters.


No thriller writer would dare invent Wilson, a six-feet-four-inch Texas congressman,liberal on social issues but rabidly anti-Communist, a boozer, engaged in serial affairs and wheeler-dealer of consummate skill.

Charlie Wilson 是德州的国会议员,他的形象放荡不羁,但他的内心实在是一位忠心的爱国份子、并且关怀弱势,只是绯闻多了点。

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Nick Lampson today joined a bipartisan majority in the House to pass H.R. 1700, the Community Oriented Policing Services Reauthorization Act, funding over 2,500 police officers for Texas over the next six years.

世界名人网华盛顿消息-国会议员尼克蓝普森(民主党-Stafford)今天参加了众议院的两党多数并通过了 H.R.1700 ,社区治安服务重新授权法,在未来六年给德克萨斯州拨款增加超过2500名警官。

NWFP lawmaker Pir Sabir Shah met with Clinton.


José was named in honor of José E. Serrano, the congressman from the Bronx who'd pushed through more than $15 million in federal funds over the years to support the river cleanup.


Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sher Afgan Khan Niazi said Musharraf had been genuinely elected by members of parliament.


Brad Miller, a Democratic congressman from North Carolina and undecided superdelegate, defends elitists.


This was brought up by the Kota Kinabalu MP Dr. Hiew King Cheu not long ago regarding the many months of total stoppage of work on the Tanjong Aru traffic junction flyover which caused heavy traffic jams during peak hours and caused safety hazard and inconvenience to road users.


The Sabah DAP Tanjong Aru Branch chairman Dr. Felix Chong attended a mobile service set up by the Member of Kota Kinabalu Dr.


The House has yet to pass a bill, but it willprobably include most of this tosh , as well as subsidies for the pettechnologies of various congressmen, perhaps including a particularlygrubby fuel derived from coal.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
