英语人>网络例句>团体 相关的搜索结果


与 团体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For Christian groups promoting this view, see the Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, California, USA, and the Creation Research Society, Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA.


Other Rounder artists include groups that perform the music of the Creole and Cajun cultures of Louisiana.


Most everything sold by companies like Red Hat, SuSE and Caldera is itself Open Source software.


Abigor, Abyssos, Aeternus, Alastis,All Shall Perish, Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Anathema,Ancient, Angelcorpse, Antichrisis, Apostasy,Arcturus, Ashes You Leave, Atheist, At The Gates,Bal-Sagoth, Borknagar, Burzum, Caliban,Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carnal Forge, Cemetary,Children of Bodom, Cradle Of Filth, Criminal, Cryptopsy,Darkseed, Dark Tranquillity, Darkthrone, Death,Deicide, Destroyer 666, Dimmu Borgir, Dismal Euphony,Dismember, Dissection, Dreams of Damnation, Einherjer,Emperor, Enslaved, Enthroned, Entombed,Evereve, the Gathering, Graveworm, Hypocrisy,Immolation, In Flames, Internal Suffering, Kamelot,Katatonia, Krabathor, Labyrinth,Lamb of God,Marduk, Mayhem, Moonspell, Morbid Angel,My Dying Bride,Napalm Death, Nasum, Nile,Obituary, Old Man's Child, Opeth, Otep,Paradise Lost, Penumbra, Samael, Saturnus,Sentenced, Sepultura, Shadows Fall, Siebenburgen,Sigh, the Sins Of Thy Beloved, Six Feet Under, Skinless,Suffocation, Summoning, Therion, Thyrfing,Tiamat, Tristania, Ulver, Venom,Vintersorg, Virgin Black, Windir, Witchery,Within Temptation.

以邪恶、异教崇拜以及撒旦思想为其主要诉求,通常在歌词含有反基督、反宗教的倾向即被归为黑金属,除了传统重金属固定乐器之外,经常会使用其他乐器如钢琴、小提琴,或歌剧的女高音,在歌曲中营造出一股诡异又吓人的恐怖气氛。"黑金属"以来自北欧的重金属团体最具代表性。1、启蒙黑金属:在八十年代初,英国的地下重金属乐队Venom,在音乐中明确宣扬了对撒旦的崇拜、对战争的渴望,并且是由他们第一次将"Black Metal"这个名词带到金属圈内,为日后的黑金属乐队指明了音乐方向;瑞典同样出现了两支启蒙型的黑金属乐队,Bathory和Celtic Frost,他们的音乐已经基本上具备了原始黑金属的特点:粗糙、暴虐、邪恶!而Bathory的第一张专辑也被誉为是第一张黑金属唱片。不能不提的是丹麦的Mercyful Fate,他们虽然对日后的原始黑金属没有什么过多的影响,但是却对歌特黑金属、交响黑金属、歌特金属有着榜样的作用。

Less than a week after the fatal Camelback accident , another team of climbers encountered the , but avoided trouble simply by keeping quiet and cautiously scooting away .


Less than a week after the fatal Camelback accident , another team of climbers encountered the AHBs , but avoided trouble simply by keeping quiet and cautiously scooting away .


Their protests are frequently backed, if not orchestrated, by Campania's powerful organised-crime group, the Camorra, which makes succulent profits from disposing of waste in illegal dumps.

他们的抗议背后通常有坎帕尼亚力量强大的有组织犯罪团伙克莫拉(译注:Camorra ,1820年前后在意大利那不勒斯组成的一个秘密团体,一度发展成颇有势力的政治组织,后因从事诈骗、抢劫等非法恐怖活动而被取缔[1911])-它通过在非法垃圾场处理垃圾而获得丰厚利润-的支持,如果不是由它精心策划的话。

John Campi, vice president for promotion and community affairs at The Daily News, one of the listed sponsors, said the newspaper's sponsorship involved trading a one-page ad in the paper for a Daily News ad on the back cover of the program."I had heard that they were connected with a political group, and I said if this show is political, I'm not getting into it," he said."And they said it wasn't."

每日新闻》日报是演出赞助商之一,该报宣传和社区事务的副总裁John Campi 说,该报以一个整版广告交换演出场刊封底版面,他说:"我曾听说他们与某个政治团体有联系,我告诉他们主办单位,如果他们有政治目的,我就不会参加,他们则说他们演出没有政治。"

CSG is the world's chief body of scientific and practical expertise on the status and conservation of all canid species, advising the Species Survival Commission of the World Conservation Union, based in Switzerland.


To survive, I was forced to cannibalize my savings and retirement, the last of which was a small IRA.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
