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与 因为 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At these moments, America has carried on, not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and true to our founding documents.


This results in a disproportionate amount of foremilk – and since foremilk is high in lactose, he may become gassy and spit up as a result of too much lactose being emptied into his bowel.


Wittgenstein considered that Philosophy should returned and planted in theeveryday language. Philosophy were an activity and a "foreordination"ofmankind, whose function is a kind of therapy. Human beings always fought withsickness of Reason, but we can not cure it as it is one part of thoughts ofmankind, namely, one part of activity of human language.


296Reason, in observing organic Nature, attains only to a contemplation of itself as universal life as such, it comes to see its development and realization merely in the form of systems distinguished quite generally, whose essential character lies not in the organic as such, but in the universal individual ; and it sees that development and realization among these differences belonging to the Earth in the form of arrangements which the genus attempts to achieve.

贺译( p197):观察的理性在观察有机物时所直观到的事实上仅仅是作为普遍生命一般的理性自身;而且,它之所以能直观这普遍生命的发展与实现,仅仅因为它是根据着那些完全普遍地区别了的系统,这些系统的规定与本质是不存在于有机物本身,而存在于普遍的个体、地球中的;而在地球的这些差别之中,它之所以能直观这普遍生命的发展与实现,又完全因为它是根据着类属所企图建立的那些系列。

To extend this idea to the computation of the measure of fractal sets built on the real axis, it can be seen immediately that the fractional integral (1) does not work as it fails to be additive because of its non-trivial kernel.

延长 这一想法,以计算该措施的分形集的建立在实轴上,可以看到马上说,分数次积分( 1 )是行不通的,因为它未能被添加剂的,因为它不平凡的内核。

4 Immature love says,'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says,'I need you because I love you.'--Erich Fromm


Some people die every year from eating fugu .


With his first round opponent Wong Choong Hann gone as well, Gade now looks at a first round confrontation with Irish hope Scott Evans, a player he has trained with and who's coach Jim Laugesen is one of Gade's closest friend.


We meet in this game This is still infatuated with a network Let me be your friends one by one to leave the game To the pursuit of real-life time Then there is a fishes persist in the conviction Let me come to the so-called final Finally, we have a full class to We also become a game of a husband and wife Together to chat together to fight together to see the scenery Appear together in front of friends I have told you several times whether I would like to leave the game But do not know what I come back time and again the Now, I once again decided to leave the game I do not know how long this can leave I do not dare In fact, said to leave the game say that the discussion was not as good as you After the full level because I slowly began to weary of the game Do you have is a day I insist on the belief line Recently, I go to bed every night before you would like to But not like before, like the game's equipment But in reality you imagine how a person What kind of character, and so there We will occasionally illusion of reality can come together The game took a quarter of my college life time Reform is the time to leave As in real life too cruel I felt pressure brought about by the reality Whether in life or learning I really like this now become a regular university, said the University graduate unemployment is equivalent to That is not what I want I am not worried that I can not find a job after graduation Not because of the need to Go on like this I do not even know that after I graduated I can do what I do Looking for a job on it is an impossible dream of Do you still remember I remember a long time ago I asked you I ask you to do what - the sun - the stars - the moon I have become a game where you have the sun I hope I can become your reality stars I would also like to leave after you I hope you will be able to chat with me in the past I hope we can do Haojuhaosan The way the election is himself Life must continue

我们在这场比赛中相遇这是与网路仍痴心让我成为你的朋友们一个接一个,去游戏现实生活时间的追求然后有一个鱼类坚持信念让我谈谈所谓的决赛。最后,我们必须以一个完整的类我们也变成了一个游戏的丈夫与妻子一起,一起聊天,争取一起看风景前面的朋友在一起显示我已经告诉你几次是否我想离开游戏但不知道什麼我回来一次又一次,现在,我又一次决定离开游戏我也不知道多久这可以离开我不敢其实,说要离开讨论不是与你的一样好的游戏说后全部级别因为我慢慢开始厌倦游戏你是我坚持的信念行的一天最近,我去睡觉每天晚上之前您想要但不是象以前,像游戏装置但在现实中你就可以想像如何一人什麼样的字元,并因此有我们偶尔会现实的幻想可以走在一起这场比赛拿了我的大学生活时间的四分之一改革是离开的时候在太残酷的现实生活中的作为我觉得压力带来的现实无论是在生活或学习我真的这样现在成为一个说的正规大学,大学毕业生失业等於这是不是我想要的我不忧虑我不能毕业后找到一份工作不因为的需要这样下去我甚至不知道,我毕业后我可以做我做些什麼找一份工作就是一个不可能的梦想的你还记得吗我记得很久以前我就问你我问你做了什麼--星星-太阳月亮我已经变成一场游戏,在有阳光的地方我希望我可以成为你的现实星星我亦想在此之后你离开我希望您将能够在过去与我聊天我希望我们可以做 Haojuhaosan 选举方式是自己必须继续生活

Tom said he scorned5 a lie as much as any one:but he thought his honour engaged him to act as he did;for he had promised the poor fellow to conceal6 him:which he thought himself farther obliged to, as the gamekeeper had begged him not to go into the gentleman's manor, and he had at last gone himself, in compliance with his persuasions.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
