英语人>网络例句>回肠结肠的 相关的搜索结果


与 回肠结肠的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHOD The absorption kinetics of harmine hydrochloride from duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon were investigated using in situ perfusion method in the rats.


Total proctocolectomy and ileostomy is a cure for UC,total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis improves defecation control but followed by a high incidence of stomal ulcer.


Since FAP was first known 120 years ago, knowledge about FAP as well as clinical diagnosis and treatment of the condition has been evolving gradually, from knowing it as multiple polyposis in early years to the establishment of sized familial registration centers in American and European countries today;from permanent colostomy in the past to widespread use of up-date pouches; and from finding association of FAP with apenteric lesions to the study of APC genotype-phenotype at molecular level.


Transverse scan obtained following enteroclysis demonstrates ileoileal and ileosigmoidal fistulae.

图8 为一位37岁女性回结肠克罗恩病的CT图像,灌肠后横轴位CT图像显示回肠0-回肠瘘及回肠-乙状结肠瘘。

According to the result of the bariam enema examination after 6 Months,the average diameter of microcolon was 15mm.And based on the pathological report by frozen section during the 2nd operation.Gangliocyte could be seen into the mucous layer of the microcolon.They were all accepted the end-to end intestinal conastomosis in two-stage operation and be used intravenous feeding for 7 days.


The presence of myenteric plexitis in proximal margins of ileocolonic resection specimens is predictie of early endoscopic CD recurrence.


Based on preliminary pharmacodynamical test on animals, the inhibition of gastric acid secretion of FM—DDS is better than its ordinary tablets, and the antiulcerative effect is better as well.


Methods: Everted gut sac was used to compare the absorption of oxymatrine in jejunum, ileum, duodenum and colon.


Results The morphology of endocrine cells in digestive tract was of multiplicity.The density of 5-HT cells was the highest in the colon,but not found in the esophagus,cardia gastric and cecum.The results showed that SS cells were distributed in the pylorus mostly,but not detected in the cardia,colon,cecum and rectum.Gas positive cells were the most in the duodenums,while in the esophagus and cardia was not discovered.In the cardia VIP cells were maximum,but in the esophagus,duodenums and ileum did not appear.

结果 消化道中4种免疫阳性细胞形态多样,大多呈椭圆形和锥体形。5-HT阳性细胞数量以结肠最多,空肠和回肠次之,幽门腺区、十二指肠和直肠较少,食管、贲门腺区、胃底腺区和盲肠中未见;SS阳性细胞在幽门腺区数量最多,贲门腺区、结肠、盲肠和直肠中未见;Gas阳性细胞大量出现于十二指肠,在食管、贲门腺区和盲肠未见;除个别器官未见VIP阳性细胞外,在消化道的其余各段均有分布。

Total proctocolectomy and ileostomy is a cure for UC,total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis improves defecation control but followed by a high incidence of stomal ulcer.


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About my path there flits a Fair


I felt like a kid in a candy shop, really.


W: I am sorry I have to say it was not en route.
