英语人>网络例句>回味无穷 相关的搜索结果


与 回味无穷 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It does, however, have a potent aftertaste.


At this time, I seem to hear tea at that moment said softly: With the prince ups and downs... I have read that describes the wonderful feeling: tea The entrance, the tooth cheek notes tea, After throat, a murmuring unrecoginized heart, A memorable.

此时, 我仿佛听到茶在那一刻轻轻地说:随君沉浮……我读到过这样描写饮茶的美妙感觉:茶汤入口、齿颊余香、潺潺过喉、馨香沁入心扉,令人回味无穷

Towards the finish it is again sour, but predominantly caramelly, though surprisingly it does not cloy.


Woven throughout are the flavours, smells and characteristics of coffee; the hot nut aroma of a Java as water first hits the beans; the beeswax-on-leather aftertaste of a Yemeni mocha; the earthy, clay-like flavours of coffees from Africa "evoking the stamp of naked feet on sun-baked ground".


Pineapple Chicken - Crispy chicken fritters are tossed with juicy pineapple and fresh green peppers, and drizzled with a tangy sauce.


Sitting at the full height glazing , appreciating the beautiful night view of Dalian while glancing at the waling people, then having a drink of Italic coffee or wine and a piece of pizza , the sense of the idleness and delightfulness would occupy your heart . You are supposed to back to the Roma City in 18th century where full of romantic and artistic atmosphere. Besides, all your pains and troubles would vanish completely .


Today, 20 years, the song still in our memory, let us food for thought.


The United States may be professional Gault on goat's milk using the international advanced technology Tanzhong In addition to its core technology is unique.


Zhangye snacks are also well-known, for example, have rubbed the fish, pull strips, fried gun, pulling patches, tabla fried fish powder local snacks, as well as Lanzhou Ramen, lamb kebab, Xinjiang, Sichuanma la tang , Shaanxirou jia and so on, while maintaining the traditional taste, based on the characteristics of Zhangye added, ensure that you eat memorable.


Exclusively produced from bush vines planted in 1908.rietvallei estate,one of the oldest wine producing estates in the robertson region,has been in the burger family since 1864.current owner and winemaker,johhy burger and fifth generation on the estate,is proud to prsent this special and traditional rievallei wine to you.muscadel was the first wine to be produred on the eatate.the wine is stillmade according to the original recipe as set out by the first winemaker on rietvallei, jacobus burger ,who also planted the bush vines,form which this wine was prouduced,in1908.this is a wine that we,as a family,cherish dearly,because it represents all thal is rietvallei...a fimeless family tradition.rietvallei 1908 muscadel is deep red in colour,full-bodied,rich,yet gentle.a floral bouquet comes throuth on the nose,with typical raisiny sweetness and an intense flaours that lingers on the palate and follows through on the afterteste.addintional bottle maturation gives excellent results.

好象这几篇翻译都是你发出的关于一个主题的。大概是有人向你推销葡萄酒或则是找代理销售商吧!Bush vine 成立于1908 ,作为独家生产商,它是一个最古老的葡萄酒基地在robertson 地区,早在1864年它就是burger家族企业,目前该所有经营者和制酒者 Johhy burger和第五代家族成员非常自豪的向你展现制造这种独特的传统配方美酒。muscadel是在这里制作的第一种葡萄酒,Jacobus burger,培育的葡萄园在1908就酿造了第一种葡萄酒,bugger家族人员非常珍爱这种葡萄酒,它就代表着rietvallei,一种家族传统的配方制作。muscadel 颜色深红,饱满柔和,香味牵引着鼻子。典型的葡萄干味道还有夹杂着深深的香味在嘴边不停的徘徊回味无穷。通过后来有关坚定,瓶装的发酵对此发挥了巨大的作用能力有限,供仁兄参考之用

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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
