英语人>网络例句>四轮马车 相关的搜索结果


与 四轮马车 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The former is not only a carpenter, but a joiner, a cabinet maker, and even a carver in wood, as well as a wheelwright, a ploughwright, a cart and waggon maker.


Dionysus dionysus was the god of wine.he was the son of zeus by semele.when 你好s mother was burnt to death in the glory of zeus.he was still ahelpless infant.你好s father trusted 你好s upbringing to some mountain fairy maidens.they tookthe greatest care of 你好m.under the tutors你好p of silennus,the satyr,he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine.he travelled far and wide in 你好s carriage drawn by wild beasts.he was said to have been to india and et你好opia.wherever he went,there was music and song and revelling.你好sattendants,known as the bacchantes,were noted for their noiseand disorder.a most wild,noisy crow,they drank,danced andsang in acareless way.the women bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement.in their madness and intoxication they committed cruel violence.they tore orpheus,the gifted musician,limb from limb.king pentheus of thebes,for frowning on the wors你好p of bacchus in 你好s kingdom,suffered the same treatme nt at the hands of aband of these fanatical women,of whom 你好s own mother was the leader.


During a trip west, Bill fell out of the family wagon near the Pecos River in Texas.


During a trip west, Bill fell out of the family wagon near the Pecos River in Texas.


He was more than six feet high, was in the prime of life, had small feet for his height, wore coarse, square-toed boots and smoked a Trichinopoly cigar.


It suggests therefore that people should follow their instinct and"man-as-consumer considers the experience of pleasure an obligation, like an enterprise of pleasure and satisfaction; one is obliged to be happy, to be in love, to be adulating/adulated, seducing/seduced, participating, euphoric, and dynamic"Baudrillard believes that the ideology of consumption is"presented under the guise of gratification, of a facilitated access to affluence, of a hedonistic mentality, and of'freedom from the old taboos of thrift" The Titan is Dreiser's representation and encouragement of hedonism and consumerism Here, women become a subject consuming as well as an object being consumed In The Financier, we see what is promised for Cowperwood is"a world of mansions, carriages, jewels, beauty, a vast metropolis outraged by the power of one man, a great State seething with indignation over a force it could not control, vast halls of priceless pictures, a palace unrivaled for its magnificence, a whole world reading with wonder, at times, of a given name"Throughout The Trilogy, Cowperwood indulges in his pursuit of women, mansions and art objects I think Dreiser's representation of the hero's pursuit of women, mansions, objects of art indicates the inherent ideology--consumerism.


When you wake, you shall have,All the pretty little horses:Blacks and bays, dapples and grays,Coach and Hush-a-bye, don't you cry.


When you wake, you shall have, All the pretty little horses: Blacks and bays, dapples and grays, Coach and six-a-little horses Hush-a-bye, don't you cry. Go to sleepy little baby.


The southern spring, the easy, rapid journey in his Vienna carriage and the solitude of the road, had a gladdening influence on Pierre.


Before the man could reply, a fresh agitation arose; hurrahs and excited shouts were heard; the staffs of the banners began to be used as offensive weapons; and fists flew about in every direction.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
