英语人>网络例句>四倍地 相关的搜索结果


与 四倍地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fictitious capital experienced four periods during its formation and development,investing loans, initial security investment, security capital investment and derivative,investment and developed step by step. The formation of the fictitious capital anddevelopment is not only the development of the fictionalization of the investment, butalso the multiple expansion of the investment. In this course, fictitious capitalsachieve its social value and became a social capital.


To cut a long story short Bloom, grasping the situation, was the first to rise from his seat so as not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being as good as his word that he would foot the bill for the occasion, taken the wise precaution to unobtrusively motion to mine host as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the others were not looking to the effect that the amount due was forthcoming, making a grand total of fourpence (the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last of the Mohicans), he having previously spotted on the printed pricelist for all who ran to read opposite him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and honestly well worth twice the money once in a way, as Wetherup used to remark.


The antitumor effects of sesquiterpene lactones scabertopin and isodexyelephantopin from the whole plant of Elephantopus scaber were studied in vitro on SMMC-7721,Hela and Caco-2 cancer cell lines.


The investigation results show that the shrubs diameter apart from root 50 mm mostly shall not exceed 15mm, such as Caragana Korshinskii Kom, Vitex, Fourfold Acacia, and Grewia biloba var.parviflora. The moisture content of the above shrubs is about 55%, 55%, 61% and 50% separately in late autumn and winter when they are reaped.

通过实地调查研究和统计分析适值收割的柠条等几种常见灌木的距地50 mm左右处的直径一般不超过15 mm,适宜收割期间柠条含水率为55%左右,荆条含水率为55%左右,四倍体刺槐含水率为61%左右,扁担木含水率为50%左右。

The results showed that autote traploid rice might be effectively improved by ion beam bio-technique, from which the new germplasm with hereditable twin-embryo seedling could be selected.


He was dressed in a particularly gorgeous manner, with plenty of articles of jewellery about him---all about three sizes larger than those which are usually worn by gentlemen---and a rough great-coat, he thrust his left hand the moment he dismounted, while from the other he drew forth with his right, a very bright and glaring silk handkerchief, with which he whiskered a speck or two of dust from his boots, and then, crumbling it in his hand, swaggered up the court.

Dickens, Pickwick Papers 主人是四十来岁的男子,长着黑头发和细心梳理好的胡须,穿戴得非常华丽:戴了大量的珠宝饰物——全都比一般绅士们通常戴的要大三倍光景——外面再加上一件粗质地大衣。他下车就把左手插进大衣的一只口袋,同时用右手从另外一只口袋里掏出一条非常耀眼的丝手绢,用它掸一掸靴子上的一两点灰尘,然后把它捏在手心里,大模大样地走了了胡同。

This did happen for awhile, and land prices quadrupled in less than a year.


Correctly guessing its colour doubles your win, and giving its suit right quadruples it.


With the giant 201 alfalfa varieties match highly effective nodulestrain is SM29, SM32, SM33 and SM35, after vaccinates above four kind of strains, entire nitrogencontentequally grew compared to the comparison 27.38%; A high comparison equally grew60.27%; The aerial parts dry weight grew 2~3 to double, separately grew 327.00%, 300.65%,280.56% and 279.70%; After the vaccination fresh weight and the comparison compares alsohas theremarkable enhancement, separately grew 148.12%, 132.64%,121.34% and 121.76%.


Comparing as BA, 0.1mg·L〓 TDZ was more effective in inducing germinating and developing of buds, regenerating prolific caespitose buds via organogenesis, promoting rhizogenesis and activity of root system greatly, as a result, acclimation survival rate was improved significantly. When leaf segments, cut from in vitro plantlets, were placed on MS media containing 0.1mg·L〓 TDZ, adventitious buds regenerated from segments. After transferred to propagated and rooted media, adventitious buds would proliferate and come into full plantlets.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
