英语人>网络例句>四倍体的 相关的搜索结果


与 四倍体的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If operate as per production regulation,qualified non-polluted agricultural products can be produced.4 The detection rate of r-BHC in the grain is 24.0%,which is within the range of standard,other BHC isomers are not detected;No BHC in vegetables;No DDT in grain and vegetables;The total detection rate of 4 types of organic phosphor pesticides is 31% in the grain and vegetables,within which the content of dichlo rovinyldimethy 1 phosphate and dimethoate is a little bit higher than the standard,but the content of Baytex and Sunithion is lower than the staneard.5 The heavy metal detection rate in the grain and vegetables are stated respectively as following:Arsenic:none,none; Chrome:8%,72.4%; Lead:6%,13%;Cadmium:none,none; Hydrargyrum :none,none.

粮食中γ一六六六的检出率为24.0%,未出现超标现象,其他六六六异构体均未测出,蔬菜中六六六未检出,粮食和蔬菜的DDT未检出;粮食和蔬菜中的四种有机磷农药总检出率为31%,其中敌敌畏、乐果出现个别超标现象,倍硫磷和杀螟松未出现超标现象。 5、重金属在粮食和蔬菜中的检出率分别是:砷:未检出、未检出,铬:8%、72.4%铅字6%、13%,镉:未检出、未检出,汞:未检出、未检出。

Comparing as BA, 0.1mg·L〓 TDZ was more effective in inducing germinating and developing of buds, regenerating prolific caespitose buds via organogenesis, promoting rhizogenesis and activity of root system greatly, as a result, acclimation survival rate was improved significantly. When leaf segments, cut from in vitro plantlets, were placed on MS media containing 0.1mg·L〓 TDZ, adventitious buds regenerated from segments. After transferred to propagated and rooted media, adventitious buds would proliferate and come into full plantlets.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
