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与 四倍体的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That indicated the availability of SRAP technique in studying genetic variability in Arachis. Estimates of genetic distance among the 28 accessions Arachis section ranged from 0.12 to 0.75 with average genetic distance of 0.42. A genetic distance clarified that A-genome A. duranensis was most closely associated with tetraploid germplasm, which could be A-genome donors. Dendrogram of cluster analysis classified 28 accessions Arachis section into two groups: one including tetraploid germplasm, and A.

聚类分析表明,28份花生材料间的遗传距离变幅为0.12~0.75,平均为0.42,A基因组物种Arachis duranensis与栽培种花生的亲缘关系最近,可能是栽培种花生的A基因组的供体。28份种质分为两大类,第一大类包含四倍体种质及A基因组的A。

So, the abnormality of embryo sac was one of the factors that induce low seed setting percentage in autotetraploid rice.


Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues, or it may be the result of faulty meiosis.


At the lower generation (C5) of the autotetraploid eggplant, plant shape index and the ratio of the well-balanced plants (9.19%) are low. The average shape index for 12 strains of the three different female parents is 0.4779. But its genetic rate is: h^2=96.39%±3.52%. Plant shape index shows strong minus correlation with average fruiting ability, it's relique interrelated coefficient is: r=-0.9989 and correlative heritability is: h=-95.22%.


Homozygous tetraploid is a relatively balanced system,the continued selection is invalid.


Toxicity of chemicals and break or deficiency ofchromosomes could be the important cause of high deathrate in the tetraploidy embryos of abalone.


The investigation results show that the shrubs diameter apart from root 50 mm mostly shall not exceed 15mm, such as Caragana Korshinskii Kom, Vitex, Fourfold Acacia, and Grewia biloba var.parviflora. The moisture content of the above shrubs is about 55%, 55%, 61% and 50% separately in late autumn and winter when they are reaped.

通过实地调查研究和统计分析适值收割的柠条等几种常见灌木的距地50 mm左右处的直径一般不超过15 mm,适宜收割期间柠条含水率为55%左右,荆条含水率为55%左右,四倍体刺槐含水率为61%左右,扁担木含水率为50%左右。

According to the order, the data of Caragana Korshinskii Kom is about 6.07 J/cm~2, 23.67 MPa, and 1787.98 MPa separately, and the data of Vitex is about 11.78 J/cm~2, 48.06 MPa and 3544.36 MPa separately. Additionally, the data of Fourfold Acacia is about 10.09 J/cm~2, 40.78 MPa and 2304.87 MPa , whereas the data of Grewia biloba var.parviflora is about 8.47 J/cm~2, 65.88MPa and 2523.88MPa respectively. The impact toughness four shrubs is in the bound of the data of wood in China, but the compressive strength and compression elastic modulus parallel to grain are some small than those of ordinary wood.

柠条的冲击强度为6.07J/cm~2,顺纹抗压强度为23.67MPa,顺纹抗压弹性模量(来源:AB75C论文网www.abclunwen.com)为1787.98MPa;荆条的冲击强度为11.78J/cm~2,顺纹抗压强度为48.06 MPa,顺纹抗压弹性模量为3544.36MPa;四倍体刺槐冲击强度为10.09 J/cm~2,顺纹抗压强度为40.78 MPa,顺纹抗压弹性模量为2304.87 MPa;扁担木的冲击强度为8.47J/cm~2,顺纹抗压强度为65.88MPa,顺纹抗压弹性模量为2523.88 MPa。

Chromosome observation of the male sterile line and fertile line, parents of hybrid combination and F1 indicated that the chromosome number of the male sterile line is the same as that of fertile line 2n=2x=24; Pollen parent (Tagetes putula PHBO029) is tetraploid 2n=4x=48; the F1 is triploid 2n=3x=36 with hybrid vigor.


Smearing apical point with a mixture of 0.2% colchicine plus adeps lanae and 1.5% DMSO was also effective with doubling frequency 14.0%. Dripping the apical point of plantlets with trifluralin has also been tested, and it showed effective in inducing tretraploid from double haploid, but obviously delayed plant growth.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
