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与 四倍 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish containing"all-fish"transgene——pCAgcGHc was obtained respectively by inbreeding and gynogenesis. Positive rate of pCAgcGHc detected by PCR was 90% in F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish produced by inbreeding, while most F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish produced by gynogenesis showed diploidy measured by flow cytometer. The results above imply that developing the pure line of transgenic allotetraploid fish through inbreeding is feasible, but the operation should be modified if gynogenesis is introduced.


The results showed that the number of chromosome, which was from the cultured seedlings of meristem tip and the rank seedlings of meristem tip, was not altered, both the number were 2n=16,the hereditary stability of callus and regeneration plant was poor; and the variation percentage of chromosome in callus was 43.4%, among which haploid accounted for 6.7%, triploid accounted for 2.5%,tetraploid accounted for 10%,pentaploid accounted for 4.2%,hexaploid accounted for 3.3%,septuploid accounted for 4.2%,octoploid accounted for 3.3%,dysploid accounted for 9.2%;the chromosome variation percentage of differentiation seedlings derived from callus was11.7%,among which haploid was 6.7%,triploid accounted for 1.7%,tetraploid was 3.3%.


Since F3, the tetraploidy was maintained from one generation to another and to date FH allotetraploid hybrids were producedF:!


It indicated that the yield of tetraploidy not more than 25% induced by inhibiting the first mitosis with CB, colchicine and 6-DMAP, respectively, while it can be induced with higher percentage by blocking PB1releasing with CB. The tetraploidy percentage of groups shock began at 15—22min after fertilization are higher than that shock began at 42min, and the yield of tetraploidy also increased with the CB density and time lasting.


The paper focuses on the tetraploidy black locust on Loess plaeatu of West Shanxi province, applys steady state promoter method and image processing technology to study the days transpiration water consumption in different weather ,different seasons and different site conditions,has primary analysis on the impact of environment on the transpiration and carries on the calculation to the tetraploidy locust tree by the single leaf water consumption to the single tree water consumption in CaiJiachuan watershed; Uses fast weighing method to measure and analyze the transpiration water consumption of five different herbs under the tetraploidy black locust forest (Capillary Wormwood,Vanilla,Agropyron Sristatum , Common Sowthistle and Medicago Sativa) in short time, in the same and different growcrop,and calculates the average transpiration water consumption per square metres ;the soil colome weighing method was used for determining diumal variation quantity of soil moisture evaporation, analyzing the dynamic variation and caculating the total quantity of soil evaporation water consumption from May to August ; then 5 kind of suppositions about the types of surface vegetation coverage are proposed in experimented site and the total evapotranspiration water consumption are calculated under 5 suppoitions ,aim at providing preliminary theoretic basis for ascertaining the transpiration water consumption of tetraploidy black locust forest,controling standing forest density and optimizing the forest grass deploy on loess plaeatu of west Shanxi province .


The improved L.D.Cua method was used to induce tetraploid of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. The suitable treating time of 0.2% colchicine, the morphology characters and cytology identification between plants of diploid and obtained tetraploid were studied.


In order to explain clearly the variation status of embryo from tetrapoid Robinia pseudoacacia and fully use the variation resource initiated in the sexual reproduction of TRP in the further improvement of TRP, the classification and vitalities of seed embryos from tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia were studied. The main results are as follow. According to the cotyledon number, color and plumpness, the seed embryos of TRP could be divided into 5 types: YVT (yellow, very replete,2 cotyledons), YMT( yellow, more replete,3 cotyledons ), YRF ( yellow, replete,4 cotyledons ), GNT ( green, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ) and WNT ( white, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ).


Thus, the meiotic chromosome cofigurations showed that the tetraploids and hexaploids in C.reticulata allopolyploids, and the appearance of a few tetravalents in some populations might indicatehomology of chromosomes in different genomes to some extent.


In meiosis of pollen mother cells of the tetraploids and the hexaploids, only bivalents were observed in most of the populations, although in several populations or individuals a few univalents or tetravalents appeared. In the hexaploids, hexavalents were not observed.


PCR amplification of di-, tetra- and hexaploid materials using genome-specific primers indicated that the NUMT inserted in the nucleus when the tetraploid wheat speciated or after that time and retained until the hexaploid wheat speciated.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
