英语人>网络例句>和谐地 相关的搜索结果


与 和谐地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the western world is questioning the long-term viability of a totally free market economy and nationalising its banks, the current global financial crisis offers China a unique opportunity to accelerate its evolution towards a more "harmonious society"– that is, a society where wealth is more evenly distributed across its population.


While the western world is questioning the long-term viability of a totally free market economy and nationalising its banks, the current global financial crisis offers China a unique opportunity to accelerate its evolution towards a more "harmonious society"– that is, a society where wealth is more evenly distributed across its population.


Already the principle of the Stoics, formulated first by Zeno, that we must live consistently or harmoniously, and stated more explicitly by Cleanthes as the obligation to live in conformity with nature (to homologoumenos te physei zen) gave rise to several interpretations, some understanding nature exclusively as human nature, others chiefly as the whole universe.

已经原则的stoics ,制定了首次由芝诺,我们必须始终生活或和谐( homologoumenos禅),并更加明确地由里安提斯作为的义务,居住在符合性质( homologoumenos特physei禅宗)引起了若干解释,有些了解的性质,完全是人性,其他主要是为整个宇宙。

It is hard to bring into harmony with this the fact, related by Jacob Saphir ("Eben Sappir," i. 99), that the Jews of South Arabia have a pronounced aversion for the memory of Ezra, and even exclude his name from their category of proper names.

这是难以把和谐这一事实,由相关雅各布saphir (& Eben的sappir ,&一99 ),即犹太人的南地阿拉伯有一个明显的反感,为纪念以斯拉,甚至排斥他的名字从他们的一类专有名词。

The second reading, draft resolution that the article tries hard to unscramble what National People's Congress represents " during two meetings " and committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference puts forward to involve system of income allocation, social security, census register and citizen education to wait for manpower resource respect and proposal, from manpower resource development and administrative point of view are analysed, record us country of this fast developing, if why building to be with the person in compose of ground of do one's best,be this harmonious society.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
