英语人>网络例句>和谐地 相关的搜索结果


与 和谐地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether the religious management can handle the contradictions or issues aroused by minorities or religions, therefore, is the prerequisite. Well-handled, harmonious development of both religions andsociety will be definitely promoted.


In use process, two layer adhesive bonding material can overlap put, not only effectively resolve the traditional process cannot solve fold fabric off-line edge fabrics, avoid the problem with complicated side whipstitch or edge to solve the problem of annoyance, but also can solve such a big and heavy seam, avoid the problem of fabrics, enhanced comfort.


Hopefully, facts will now silence these wrongheaded vocal voices and allow China to finally move on a path of balanced domestic development.


Baby boomers and their parents probably remember the 2,000-Year-Old Man, but Grubin recalls another comic icon that was far more pervasive in its time and may have done worlds of good when it comes to Jewish-gentile harmony: Gertrude Berg as Bronx yenta Molly Goldberg, on radio and later on television.

婴儿潮世代和他们的父母可能还记得2000年岁的老头,但格鲁宾回忆另一个漫画图示,这是迄今为止较为普遍地存在于它的时间,并可能已做了世界的好当谈到犹太人gentile和谐: gertrude伯格为布朗士 yenta莫莉戈德堡,电台,后来在电视上。

The gentle breeze kiss my face, I'm enjoying the music of "the moon night by spring river" while I promenade in the alameda. Then the nature aulic step would incarnate the harmonious and elegant mien just like the natural and smooth writing.

微风拂面,一边在林荫小道上漫步,一边听 MP3里的《春江花月夜》,那么浑然天成的宫廷步伐便不知不觉地流露出一份行云流水般和谐超逸的情致。

Based on rich and quality resources, BOHO provides diversified, optimal business and investment solution services according to specific capital and hi-tech character and requirements, does its best to lower business risks and achieve capital appreciation and hi-tech taking off.


From this place of Peace and Cohesiveness, I want you to consider these experiences of "anxiety attacks" and see what you can learn about their causes.


It is in this strong sense of destructive tragedy that Shen's "lyric poetry of countryside" shows the beauty of a deiform land which is rooted in his motherland and is shaded by modem industrial civilization, i.


Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards, taut and protesting, its creaks blending with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding-wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels.


Energy may be sublimated through creative art, music, or drama; work may be found dealing with the healing professions; devotion to human welfare in some form could be a splendid corrective measure in redirecting the desire nature; knowledge and understanding of sex, physiologically, psychologically, and esoterically, would certainly serve to clarify the mental pictures so that the person could, to greater degree, understand his problem; establishment of cleanliness as a factor in his physical habits could bring his consciousness into attunement with the ideal of inner and outer purity; and, above all, establishing in the consciousness the goal of love by which all desire impulses find their regeneration.


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For has anyone said to God,'I have borne chastisement; I will not offend anymore

伯34:31 有谁对神说、我受了责罚、不再犯罪。

Events which handle the second half of a split-phase operation begun in a command should have names that are related to the commands.


From April to October 2003, a total of 40 patients aged 58 to 86 years (mean: 69.3 yr) were randomized into two comparable groups; one underwent bipolar TURP and the other received monopolar TURP. Pre-operative and post-operative serum sodium concentration, hemoglobin level, resection time, blood loss and weight of specimen were evaluated.

方怯 从2003年4月至10月,总共收集40位良性摄护腺的病患,以随机的方式接受双极电刀(22位)及单极电刀(18位)的治疗,分析两组的手术时间、刮除的病理重量、流血量、术前及术后的钠离子变化与术后6个月及1年的I-PSS、Qmax的比较。