英语人>网络例句>和谐地 相关的搜索结果


与 和谐地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Said simply from the wording that, harmonious is refers "coordinates to be suitable and to be symmetrical", the society is refers "by certain economic basis and the overtop structure constitution whole, also is called the form of society".


Here was the lost harmony, the innocent splendor, the paradisiacal ease they could now access only in moments of collective trance, or at the mystical promptings of the Queen-Mother herself.


As a symbiosis existence organization, un iversity need to constantly learn from the social system, exchange and feedback all types of resources, meanwhile it must adhere to the"Entity—Relations"thinking, need to focus on the accumulation and use of social capital, need to realize oneself with system's synchronized construction and harmonious paragenesis, so as to make the progress unceasingly.


Therefore, while properly handle particularism, we should develop effectively a social relation of universalism to realize the harmony of village relation, rebuild social trust, social capital and social order in villages in order to promote the smooth process of rural reconstruction.


Scientific development and social harmony represent a basic demand for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and an intrinsic requirement to produce the better and faster development of an economic society, and it has to be implemented resolutely and perseveringly.


Actually, regional features has appeared in her early novels, especially in《Ben hua》she described the people of Benhua placable, simple, substantial daily life and their concordant, full of life sentiment and heroism spirit by using gentle words, which show us the local conditions and customs of central hebei plain involuntary.


This paper is to discuss the appliance of such placatory strategies as proper praise and timely encouragement, tolerance and smile, etc., which exert their functions as voiced and voiceless language, all work well in creating harmonious class atmosphere and stimulating as well as maintaining the students' motivation.


The party pointed out that we must set up a social security system with the interaction among social insurance, social assistants, social welfare and philanthropy undertakings, and we must do our best to carry on motivating all of factors, enhance the ability to build a harmonious society.


In the system of symbols, it could not demonstrate color and tendency. Each parts of polyphone should compose and flow which make stability and tendency of center tone. So it is no meaning of aesthetics for just researching the singled acoustics triad, for it does not make a sense of beauty and harmony.


Then in the course of building a harmonious society, how to develop the young postulant service work actively for colleges and universities under the culture management background and to bring the function of it into play in the college management and education.


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
