英语人>网络例句>和谐地 相关的搜索结果


与 和谐地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Contemporary teenager must have persistence to obey collective, respect individual, stress the righteous, initiate the trustworthiness and emphasize the industry and thrift moral value mindset, combine the amenability with active, harmonize with compete, guard with creative, et al, in order to adapt to the knowledge-based economy society development.


Teaching is an anadiplosis and interaction social practice which under teacher\'s teleology and planned guidance and in order to help the student to master basic knowledge of culture and science, to develop competence, to strengthen constitution and to form a certain ideology and morality to promote student\'s physical and mental harmony building.


They should be endowed with equal rights to participate, to negotiate and to bargain.


Not only does he seem destined to be pummeled and immobilized by an instrument of ordeal, but the use of Singapore as a standard for judging any other society, let alone the cacophonous U.S. is fairly worthless.


Human can not destructively treat nature as conquerors. Instead, we must deal with nature in a harmonious and friendly way, but it is for human and it is human-oriented rather than nature-oriented.


Following the principle of putting the people first, timely and effectively settling labor disputes, building a harmonious employment relationships,bold reforms in the existing system of labor disputes settlement in China was made by adopting the Law on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes, whereby problems occurring along the current labor dispute settlement proceeding in China such as the excessive long period of dispute settlement, too short period of time limit of application for arbitration and high cost of dispute settlement etc.


There may also appear some justice Unions, the fair associations, fair persons, and justice party, justice meeting, the doctrine of fairness and harmony, public harmony assimilations, and the public party, which all spring up like mushrooms.


The broidered and dentated cordon of the eight and twenty royal niches; the immense central rose window, flanked by its two lateral windows, like a priest by his deacon and subdeacon; the frail and lofty gallery of trefoil arcades, which supports a heavy platform above its fine, slender columns; and lastly, the two black and massive towers with their slate penthouses, harmonious parts of a magnificent whole, superposed in five gigantic stories;--develop themselves before the eye, in a mass and without confusion,with their innumerable details of statuary, carving, and sculpture, joined powerfully to the tranquil grandeur of the whole


By repeatedly chanting a meaningful phrase with all one's heart, our connection to inner truth is clarified, and we literally tune into our Higher Self.


The broidered and dentated cordon of the eight and twenty royal niches; the immense central rose window, flanked by its two lateral windows, like a priest by his deacon and subdeacon; the frail and lofty gallery of trefoil arcades, which supports a heavy platform above its fine, slender columns; and lastly, the two black and massive towers with their slate penthouses, harmonious parts of a magnificent whole, superposed in five gigantic stories;--develop themselves before the eye, in a mass and without confusion,with their innumerable details of statuary, carving, and sculpture, joined powerfully to the tranquil grandeur of the whole


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In fact it's called the Sate .


Recent work at HKUST had successfully developed a n ew lightweight, ultra-low density filter material based on photoactive


I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing mychild.
