英语人>网络例句>呕吐的 相关的搜索结果


与 呕吐的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After chemotherapy, the level of the adverse reaction and toxicity was compared between the treatment group (sodium cantharidate vitamin B6 injection and chemotherapy) and control group.

结果 治疗组在白细胞减少、恶心呕吐、肝功能异常的发生率分别为48%44%4%;对照组分别为76%72%、20%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P.05),两组在其他方面不良反应差异无统计学意义。

Analysis suggests that routine barium clysis exam in cases with symptoms above should promote diagnoses accuracy of the disease.


Incomplete treatment spawned chronic coccygodynia. Gastrointestinal involvement in the form of constipation, postprandial vomiting, and rapid body weight loss was also evident, and preluded the development of superior mesenteric artery syndrome.

除了尾骨底部疼痛外,消化功能也渐渐受到影响:由排便困难、进食后呕吐、体重急速下降,甚至并发罕见的上肠系膜动脉症候群(superior mesenteric artery syndrome, SMAS)。

One set of criteria for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis also includes possible gastrointestinal symptoms, including crampy abdominal pain and vomiting.


Someone said " Daffy Duck" or something like that, but I was so out of it I couldn't be sure.

有个人说是&DAFFY DUCK&或者那之类的东西。我呕吐得非常厉害,不确定那东西就是&DAFFY DUCK&。

There are 32 articles left after eliminating articles with insufficient researching quality, miscellaneous in caring scope, or only 1 score by Jadad Score evaluation from these 68 articles. Among the 32 articles, acupressure techniques using in the following 8 symptoms were recommended in this study: i nausea and vomiting, ii primary dysmenorrheal, iii labor pain, iv fatigued and depression, v improving the quality of sleep, vi anxiety, vii Respiratory, and viii increased gastrointestinal motility.

68篇文章中,部分文章研究设计不够严谨,经排除单篇无法归纳或经Jadad 分数表研究品质评为1分的RCT文章,综合32篇文章,本研究发现穴位按摩技术常用於下列8个症状:即①恶心呕吐症状;②原发性痛经;③产痛;④疲惫、忧郁问题;⑤睡眠障碍;⑥焦虑;⑦呼吸困难问题;⑧促进肠胃道蠕动。

"The principal muscle used in respiration, it is also important in coughing , vomiting, excretion, and other expulsive functions."


"The principal muscle used in respiration, it is also important in cough ing, vomiting, excretion, and other expulsive functions."


"The principal muscle used in respiration, it is also important in coughing, vomit ing, excretion, and other expulsive functions."


And the main symptoms of viral gastroenteritis are watery diarrhea and vomiting.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
