英语人>网络例句>吹气 相关的搜索结果


与 吹气 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But people may worry about getting sick from blowing into a danger's stranger's mouth.


In order to provide some scientific data for judging biological toxicity and bioavailability caused by heavy metals in sediments in Guilin, China, for the first time, the authors sampled sediments in different water areas in Guilin, and determined AVS by P-Amino dimethyl aniline dihydro chloride photometry through a set of acidification-ventilation-absorption AVS reaction unit, determined copper, lead, zinc, cadmium and nickel with tomic absorption spectrophotometry, mercury and arsenium with atomic fluorescence, and cipangopaludina cathayensis was selected as the tested species for bioavailability experiment.


Furthermore, 23 of 40 single granule cells in the DG of learner animals exhibited heterogeneous activity patterns during the consolidation of trace eyeblink CRs such as increases in activities to the tone CS, trace interval or airpuff US.


Guinea pigs (n=8) were trained on a trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm using a 200-ms tone conditioned stimulus, a 200-ms corneal airpuff unconditioned stimulus and a 600-ms trace interval.

条件反射组动物(n=8)首先接受200 ms声音条件刺激,间隔600ms后,再被给予200 ms吹气非条件刺激,多次重复配对,建立追踪性眨眼条件反应。

Differential Pharmacologic Sensitivities of Phosphodiesterase-3 Inhibitors Among Human Isolated Gastroepiploic, Internal Mammary, and Radial Arteries

组 I:对照组;组 II:病人向血压计管道吹气,使水银柱上升至30 mm Hg ,持续20秒;组 III:病人挤压橡皮球。20秒后进行外周静脉穿刺。

Methods: Data of 24 patients with regional free skin grafts ischemia, male 14 and female 10, treated by oxygen perflation toward ischemic region, were analyzed retrospectively.


Methods Seven patients with CVPI had received pharyngoplasty and speech therapy. The blowing test and the Chinese articulation clear degree test were measured before and after speech therapy.


The Spirometer is an excellent complement to the TalkTools Horn and Bubble Hierarchies which target phonatory control and abdominal grading.


Long {{IPA|}} and {{IPA|}} occur as allophones of {{IPA|/e/}} and {{IPA|/u, o/}} respectively before a following vowel:''waian''{{IPA|}}"to blow"(Dutch ''waaien'', German ''wehen''),''bauan''{{IPA|}}"to build"(Dutch ''bouwen'', German " bauen ", Swedish ''bo''"live"), also in Greek words ''Trauada''"Troad"( Gk.{{Polytonic|Τρ}}).

长的{{IPA|}}和{{IPA|}}在一个母音前面时,分别为{{IPA|/e/}}和{{IPA|/u, o/}}的同位异音,如''waian''({{IPA|}},意即「吹气,对应到荷兰语的''waaien''和德语的''wehen'')、''bauan''({{IPA|}},意即「建造」,对应到荷兰语的''bouwen''、德语的'' bauen ''和瑞典语转意为「生活」的字''bo'')等,在希腊语借词中亦是如此,如''Trauada''意即「特罗得(Troad」,希腊语作{{Polytonic|Τρ}}。

The sound of the puffing and snorting of engines fell on his ear.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
