- 与 吹奏乐器 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Then the following writing separately before the bottle gourd silk synopsis, musical instrument's maintenance and the maintenance, will play the preparatory work, the essential skill the study, the junior middle school high-quality music will play as well as the cordiality basically manifests these five parts, will unify oneself near three year teaching practice, brief will discuss me to the bottle gourd silk teaching understanding.
With even utter amateurs able to toot one with little instruction, the kazoo has been a classic American instrument since it was invented in the 1840s.
Why they can use their beak to play mouth organ?
为甚麼 Pingu 可以用他的尖鸟嘴去吹奏乐器?
Another traditional wind instrument for children is the Sheng.
A small wind instrument for making whistling sounds by means of the breath.
"Also of ancient origin is the ""sheng", a free-reed wind instrument .
A small wind instrument, consisting of tubes of different lengths bound together.
Beleth is the Thirteenth Spirit listed in the Goetia, who governs 85 Legions. He rides on a horse as trumpets and other musical instruments play before him.
It can produce sound with a tamber similar to that of human voice, and is suitable for performing some lamenting aria.
"Also of ancient origin is the ""sheng", a free-reed wind instrument .
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