英语人>网络例句>启动 相关的搜索结果


与 启动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to control the steam temperature at the outlet of the primary superheater of a 1000 t/h once-through boiler, the start up condition is analyzed in accordance with the concept of " isenthalpic switchover" and it is suggested that the ratio of fuel feed to steam flow through the primary superheater before the switchover during cold startup be used as the criterion for judgement.


Based on the above analysis, we believe that the simplest solution is to bus voltage 6kV within the allowable range (± 10%) increased number, in order to improve the motor starting torque, reduce the startup time.


There are some successful experiences in the countries throughout the world that we can use for reference Basing on Chinese reality and using of the international experience of other countries, the paper puts forward some short-termed and medium-and-long termed measures to start up Chinese folk investment through finance These measures are as f ollo~vs establihing polical financial channel building credit guarantee system for folk MS SE, integrating Chinese financial policy supporting greatly Chinese Medium-and-small financial institutions improving the service of state-owed commercial banks for MSSE.


The results showed that the promoters of OsPLD3 and OsPLD4 could drive the expression of the reporter gene in various tissues of the rice flower organs at different levels. The expression of both genes was induced by wounding and methyl jasmonate, but with different intensity at different time intervals.

利用反向遗传学技术对水稻磷脂酶D 家族中的两个成员OsPLD3 和OsPLD4 基因及其启动子的研究显示: OsPLD3 和OsPLD4 的启动子在花器官的不同部位中驱动报告基因不同程度地表达,二者都受损伤和茉莉酸甲酯诱导,但是对诱导因子反应的时空模式不同。

To elucidate the mechanisms regulating TSHb expression, we isolated a 5.1-kb fragment of the red-spotted grouper 5'-flanking region by Genome walking .1.8kb of this upstream region was used to produce GFP reporter construct (pBK-TOL2) for analysis of tissue-specific expression in zebrafish embryos.

将起始密码子上游1864bp的启动子片段顺向克隆到pBK-TOL2载体中, pTSHb-TOL2重组质粒与转座酶mRNA共注射斑马鱼一细胞期受精卵,荧光显微镜观察发现,TSHb启动子驱动GFP在原始生殖细胞和垂体中表达。

GPigeon.uac be injected once your computer, under normal circumstances, a variety of the latest anti-virus software is able to Jiesha it, but can not completely remove the Trojan horse "poisonous root," It was because of "gray doves" Of the *. exe files can not be found in the anti-virus software -"dove gray" does not belong to horse-attack from time to time, only every time the computer system to start this normal for a very short period of time attack, the main document to be registered as a Services, will be activated every time the normal release *. dll and * _hook.dll virus, inject them like explorer.exe, iexplore.exe, csrss.exe, lsass.exe process systems, the various anti-virus software can be found Jiesha and in a timely manner, but can not find the root poisoning.


Motion activated, the device sits on a platform and has long "arms" that whip around when activated.


Bull;The fire drill will commence by a crew member activating the fire alarm system, or other means to sound the alarm, as directed by the USCG Officers.

消防演习,一般由一名船员启动火警系统,或者按照 USCG 的指示其他方式启动报警。

After it has reached maximum speed (1 minute) and both airlocks have been started, the process gas flow control is allowed to control to a set point of 50% normal gas flow.

当风门打开量小于 5%时,主风机启动。在主风机达到最大速度之后(1 分钟),两个气锁开始启动,工艺气体流量控制在正常流量的 50%。

Chongqing Municipal Government has introduced policies about migrant workers participating in health insurance, and in October 2007, launched a urban and rural residents cooperative medical insurance, from October 1 a comprehensive medical insurance of migrant workers launched, It can be said that the entire medical insurance from start to now has been a progressive development and progress in the direction of universal health insurance.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
