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与 含钠的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the coordinated interacton of the abrasive particles in dentifrice, can it abrade or corrode dental restorations made from titanium and change their luster and color so as to influence their appearance and long-term use.


This rock zone, with a NE striking, the whole length of 1 400 km and the width of 100~150 km, is characterized by not onlyalkaline rocks (analcite biotite olivine melilitites, leucititic alnoites, nephelite syenites, aegirite augite syenites, melanite syenites, riebeckite syenite and aegirite bearing quartz syenites) and alkaline granite (riebeckite granite, and aegitite augite riebeckite granite), but also a lot of syenites, monzonites and alkaline feldspar granites or miarolitic K feldspar granites.


Kidney beans is a rare high potassium, high magnesium, low sodium food, hectogram 1520 mg of potassium, magnesium, 193.5 mg of sodium is only 0.8 mg, this feature come in handy in nutritional treatment.


Character: White or almost white crystalline powder, smell-less;Assay:≥98.5%;Solubility:Soluble in water, Slightly soluble in acetone and ethanol;IR:Complies with the working standard;Chemical identification:Red;Na Salt indentification:Complies with the standard;Relative substance:Complies with the working standard;pH:8.0-9.5;Loss on drying:≤0.5%; Heavy metal:≤ 20ppm


Based on laboratory research,the feasible analysis on process technology of producing sodium dichromate from used chromic residue phosphate produced by reused sodium hydroger sulfate in chromate producing system is made,together with its potential market analysis.


OBJECTIVE To determine the relative and absolute molecular weight of working reference substance of Grifolafrondosa beta-Glucan and compare the two analysis methods.

目的测定灰树花倍他葡聚糖工作对照品的相对及绝对分子质量,并对两种分析方法进行比较。方法色谱柱为TSK-G4000PW,流动相为0.7%硫酸钠(含0.02%叠氮化钠)或0.2%叠氮化钠溶液,流速为0.5 mL.min-1,柱温为35℃,高效凝胶渗透色谱法用示差折光检测器,高效凝胶渗透色谱和激光光散射联用法用DNDC仪和激光光散射仪联用。

The feldspar in A-type granite is perthite, the dark alkali-minerals in which are arfvedsonite or manganese-bearing magnesia- arfvedsoniteand aegirine.


Based on the above research, we analyzed regional metallogenic conditions from geology, geophysics and geochemistry. Considering regional strata, some source beds with ore-bearing strata controlled apparently metallogenesis. The strata contained hydrothermal siliceous rock or siliceous albitite ether formed some favorable source beds and established substantial foundation for later diplogenetic metallogenesis e.g.


The author analyses and studies in detail through X-diffraction test of up to date special reserver samples and find that 1:1 regulation mix layers of corrensite and allevardite exists in some piecis of the eroded volcano tuff 's sandstone at the same time, and can appear continuously in a large amount In a certain limit, authors point out characteristic of corrensite and allevardite in this district and it's mining to genesis mineralogy that related to stratum water and trace element geochemistry characteristics.


The results from the experiment are: the amount of all micro-powders that grain sizes are less 0.044 mm should be less than 35% in weight, and the value of coarse q and attenuate q should be respectively 0.23 and 0.32, and the additive amount of active a-alumina and calcium alumina cement should be respectively 7% and 4% in weight, meanwhile, the best dispersant is PMAA-NH4 in the non-microsilica system; while the value of two q should be respectively 0.21 and 0.29, the amount of active a-alumina, microsilica and calcium alumina cement should be respectively 6%, 2% and 4% in weight, the best dispersants are sodium hexamer taphosphate and Na2P3Oio in the microsilica system.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
