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The preparation method comprises monomer synthesis and polymer synthesis. The polymer synthesis is that cyclopentadienyl sodium monomer is added into metallic cobalt complex-triphenyl phosphorus cobalt chloride under strict oxygen-free and water-free conditions, and then double inner alkyne or outer alkyne conjugate monomer is added in, and after reaction, the precipitation, filtering, abstersion and vacuum-drying are carried out, the large molecules polymer containing cyclopentadienyl cobaltocenium organometallic cobalt is obtained.


The invention discloses a preparing method of bacillus alcaligenes strain Alcaligenes sp., CCTCC No.M206121 of degraded o-nitrophenol, which comprises the following steps: allocating inorganic salt culture medium with dibasic sodium phosphate, monobasic potassium phosphate, manganese sulfate, copperas, addex-magnesium, calcii chloridum, blue copperas, white copperas and hydrogen dioxide solution; adjusting pH value; sterilizing under high temperature; enriching bacterial; sampling from sludge; allocating suspending liquid with soil sample and inorganic salt; seeding into ortho-nitrophenol fresh organic salt culture medium with finite volume seeding quantity; keeping the temperature; culturing on shaker; getting enriched culture; separating and purifying enriched culture in LB solid culture medium.

本发明公开了一种降解邻硝基酚的产碱杆菌菌株及制备方法,产碱杆菌为Alcaligenes sp。,CCTCC No.M206121。其制备步骤是:首先是配制无机盐培养基,成分为磷酸氢二钠、磷酸二氢钾、硫酸锰、硫酸亚铁、硫酸镁、氯化钙、硫酸铜、硫酸锌和双蒸水,调pH值高压灭菌;其次是菌种的富集,从污泥中取样,将土样与无机盐培养基配制成悬浮液,将悬浮液以一定体积接种量接种到含邻硝基酚的新鲜无机盐培养基中,恒温,摇床培养,获富集培养物;第三是将富集培养物在LB固体培养基中分离和纯化。

AIM: To explore the inhibitive effects of ectogenesis nitric oxide on the proliferation of neural stem cells in mice. METHODS: NSCs were cultured in medium containing EGF, and the medium was supplemented with SNP as a donor of NO in vitro.


However, common polyacrylate emulsion has some disadvantages such as poor water-resistance, poor film-forming in low temperature, becoming pastiness in high temperature, polluting environment with emulsifier and so on.


The distinctness of rock for deep clastic gas layers in Songliao basin is laumontitization, sericitization and water-bearing property of illite, and extensive albiti-zation.


METHODS: Bone of limbs were obtained under sterile condition, washed by PBS, centrifugalization, and dropwise into centrifuge tube containing 1.073 g/mL Percoll separating medium, centrifugalization, and then adding L-DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, benzylpenicillin sodium and phytomycin, cultured in a incubator at 37 ℃ with 5% saturated humidity. The culture medium was renewed after 48 hours, and non-adhesive cells were removed.

无菌条件下截取流产胎儿双侧四肢骨,PBS冲洗髓腔,离心去脂肪及上清液,L-DMEM重悬细胞,沿管壁缓慢滴加至底部有等量1.073 g/mL Percoll分离液的离心管中,离心后吸取中间界面白膜层,加入含体积分数为10%的胎牛血清、青霉素钠、链霉素的L-DMEM完全培养基,接种后置于37 ℃、体积分数为5%的CO2饱和湿度孵箱内培养。48 h后换液,去除未贴壁细胞,以后每2 d换液一次。

The puerperant and her relatives all signed informed consents. METHODS: Bone of limbs were obtained under sterile condition, washed by PBS, centrifugalization, and dropwise into centrifuge tube containing 1.073 g/mL Percoll separating medium, centrifugalization, and then adding L-DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, benzylpenicillin sodium and phytomycin, cultured in a incubator at 37 ℃ with 5% saturated humidity.

无菌条件下截取流产胎儿双侧四肢骨,PBS冲洗髓腔,离心去脂肪及上清液,L-DMEM重悬细胞,沿管壁缓慢滴加至底部有等量1.073 g/mL Percoll分离液的离心管中,离心后吸取中间界面白膜层,加入含体积分数为10%的胎牛血清、青霉素钠、链霉素的L-DMEM完全培养基,接种后置于37 ℃、体积分数为5%的CO2饱和湿度孵箱内培养。48 h后换液,去除未贴壁细胞,以后每2 d换液一次。

The isolate grew well in R2 liquid medium and could pass through 0.22 μm and 0.45 μm filtrate membranes. The colony was grain-like in solid medium. Through electron microscopy, the isolate YY0801 exhibited helicity during their exponential growth phase. The isolate YY0801 was able to ferment glucose and D-fructose and to catabolize arginine, but did not to hydrolyse urea. The isolate was resistant to ampicillin (2000 U/mL).

分离菌株在R2液体培养基中生长良好,能通过孔径为0.22 μm、0.45 μm的微孔滤膜;在R2固体培养基上呈颗粒状菌落;在对数期呈典型的螺旋状;能利用葡萄糖、D-果糖作为碳源;能强烈代谢精氨酸;不能利用尿素,在含氨苄青霉素钠(2000 U/mL)的R2液体培养基中生长良好。

Objective To investigate whether osteoblasts cultured in vitro can form mineralization nodes. Method The osteoblasts at 1×105/ml,2×105/ml and 5×105 /ml cell density were cultured in the DMEM medium and in the DMEM medium supplemented with β-glycerophosphate sodium and ascorbic acid.

目的 了解体外培养成骨细胞的接量对钙化结节形成的影响方法实验选用了1×105 /ml、2×105个/ml、5×105个/ml三个不同的细胞接种浓度,并且每个浓度组分别给予含β-甘油磷酸钠和维生素C的条件培养液以及常规培养液进行细胞培养。

One of the most widely employed materials of the chemical industry, it is used in manufacturing chlorine, caustic soda, sodium carbonate , bi carbonate of soda, soap, and chlorine bleach, as well as in ceramic glazes, metallurgy, food preservation, curing of hides, road de-icing, water softening, photography, and many consumer products, including mineral waters, mouthwashes, and table salt itself.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
