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与 含蓄 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were not even suspected by the early Fathers who, following implicitly the inscriptions in i, 1; x, 1; xxiv, 1 (which bear direct witness to the Solomonic authorship of large collections of proverbs), and being misled by the Greek rendering of the titles in xxx, 1; xxxi, 1 (which does away altogether with the references to Agur and Lamuel as authors distinct from Solomon), regarded King Solomon as the author of the whole Book of Proverbs.

他们甚至不怀疑早期教父谁,下面的含蓄的铭文中一, 1 ;十, 1 ; 24 , 1 (负有直接见证了Solomonic著作权的大量藏书谚语),和被误导的希腊渲染标题在三十, 1 ;三十一, 1 (不完全以外的提及Agur和拉穆埃作为作者有别於所罗门群岛),把所罗门王的作者整本书的谚语。

On Children Running Through, Griffin's seamless songcraft is supported by spare, spacious arrangements and production by Griffin along with Mike McCarthy that emphasize her effortlessly eloquent lyrics, her subtly indelible melodies and her sublimely expressive voice, while making judicious use of such sonic frills as horns and strings.

在专辑《身边跑过的孩子们》(" Children Running Through ")的制作过程中, Griffin 和 Mike McCarthy合理安排了充裕的时间以确保 Griffin 那天衣无缝的作词。专辑凸显出 Griffin 手到擒来的普词功底和极具感染力歌词,以及她那含蓄精致的旋律和触及内心的、富于表现力的嗓音;专辑中也谨慎聪明的使用了比如管乐和弦乐的配乐。

But this is a humbling monument to the evil and endurance of Russia's Soviet past and, implicitly, a guide to its present.


Stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese. Gervais softly hissed a chuckle, and Speransky laughed his shrill, staccato laugh.


Very subtly I tried to feel him out.


The design issimple but delicate and has both the charm of reservation as Chinese traditional painting has and the beauty of succinctness of modernism.


A third class of scholars considers the Mosaic authenticity of the Pentateuch neither as a freely debatable tenet, nor as a truth formally implicitly revealed; they believe it has been virtually revealed, or that it is inferred from revealed truth by truly syllogistic deduction.


Betty was lively and talktive,while her sister was quiet and reserved.


So, the so called objective report principle is nothing but a principle,American journalists are subjective and tendentious in news writing.


The tensility beauty of literary language is embodied in image,connotation,ambiguity,vacancy and so on.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
