英语人>网络例句>否决权 相关的搜索结果


与 否决权 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1981 few countries considered Greece to be suitable for membership of the club, but none dared to incur the ignominy of vetoing it.


It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of only eight acknowledged nuclear powers.


The constituent body has a right of veto.


But a dozen or so Dandong firms have recently set up businesses, ranging from restaurants to a factory making cigarette lighters.


Hence the scope of veto utilization is limited on certain issues due to the acknowledged rules and repertoire of practice of S ..


Strong regional powers Germany, Japan, India and Brazil have long-sought permanent seats on an expanded 25-member Security Council, but without immediate veto rights.


To protect the corporation assets effectively,some legal remedies Can be taken to prevent the frauds on using corporation opinion absorption mala fide:restricting the vote amount of the decision—— making shareholders by existing legal resources;stockholders'veto power on specified affairs of the limited company;establishing the market value safeguard system for the dissenting stockholders;expanding the mechanism of cumulative votes to melon——cutting vote;setting up the stock purchase system for the dissenting holders;and perfecting the mechanism of stockholders'secession.


According to the basic principles of International Water Law,"Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin"signed by four riparians of Lower Mekong which will affect the development of Mekong River,and the effects are analyzed in detailed,it is considered that the downstream countries will getmore benefits and have less obligations according to the Agreement,but the upstream countries areon the contrary,at same time,some of articles in the Agreement have ambiguous means so as toaffect the implementation,like as the articles of"Decision of Joint Committee","WaterUtilization and Inter-Basin Diversions","Emergency Situations"and so on,the rules will affectthe development of Lancang River Basin,likes:information sharing,international cooperation,water pollution and so on.


At NATO and in the EU (and even over America's invasion of Iraq) Russia has no rights to a nyet .


Two thirds of the votes delivered without taking into account abstentions are required to effect such a change, if not any member-founder use his right of veto.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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