英语人>网络例句>否决权 相关的搜索结果


与 否决权 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is because the US holds veto rights in the decision-making process of the IMF.


I suggested we work together on welfare reform and the line-item veto, which I supported.


Moreover—and this is the surprising bit of the argument—there is reason to hope that the council's five veto-wielding permanent members are entering a period during which they may see the point of whittling away more of their differences.


The fact that each permenant member is entiled with veto by U.N.Charter aims to give them obligations to seek unity,which leads to many issues submitted to the Security concile.


Some Italian banks are protected by shareholder pacts, which can create a blocking vote; others are dominated by foundations, which fear seeing their influence diluted by mergers; then there are dozens of banche popolari , which award a single vote to each shareholder, further stymieing consolidation.


Some Italian banks are protected by shareholder pacts, which can create a blocking vote; others are dominated by foundations, which fear seeing their influence diluted by mergers; then there are dozens of banche popolari, which award a single vote to each shareholder, further stymieing consolidation.


The U.S. Congress does not use the veto abetting the Bush administration's help, I am very sad to bipartisan approach the new president to build a high debt.


And he must go further, by championing three principles.


Since 2006, when South Africa secured a (non-permanent) seat on the Security Council for the first time, it has been chumming up with China, Russia and other authoritarian regimes to water down or block virtually every resolution touching on human rights. It argues that the Security Council (dominated by the five veto-wielding permanent members) should not concern itself with such issues, leaving them to the Human Rights Council (on which developing countries have a controlling majority).


Vermont legalizes gay marriage with veto override.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
