英语人>网络例句>吓人的 相关的搜索结果


与 吓人的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to play the part of a faithful historian, we ought even to add that, among the curiosities displayed in the square, there was a menagerie, in which frightful clowns, clad in rags coming no one knew whence, exhibited to the peasants of Montfermeil in 1823 one of those horrible Brazilian vultures, such as our Royal Museum did not possess until 1845, which have a tricolored cockade for an eye.

还有一件事,我们 sSBbWw 应当提到,这才不失为忠实的话古者。陈列在空坪上的那些光怪陆离的东西中,有个动物陈列馆,那里有几个小丑,真不知道那些人是从什么地方来的,衣服破烂,相貌奇丑,他们在一八二三年便已拿着一头巴西产的那种吓人的秃鹫给孟费郿的乡民看,那种秃鹫的眼睛恰象一个三色帽徽①,王家博物馆直到一八四五年才弄到那样一只。

On Christmas eve itself, a number of men, carters, and peddlers, were seated at table, drinking and smoking around four or five candles in the public room of Thenardier's hostelry.


Furthermore, my sort-of whitish-grey oilskin trench has forced me into a bit of wardrobe rethink, because although looking like Dusty Springfield seemed a genius idea when my brain was addled by too much catwalk exposure, the reality of looking like Dusty Springfield (particularly, later Dusty, complete with a Vera Duckworth perm, when frankly she wasn't her best) is a bit scary.

而且,我这件算是白灰色防水布的短大衣也强迫自己重新考虑自己的衣橱,因为尽管在我的脑子让猫步的表演弄得糊里糊涂时,觉得打扮得像达斯蒂·斯普林菲尔德(注:Dusty Springfield,英国乐坛的常青树)看来是个好主意,真的看来像达斯蒂的念头(尤其是晚年的她,头上是维拉·达科沃斯式的烫发,说老实话,那时她看来真不算好)还是有点吓人的

He did not want the warm clover and the play of seeding grasses; the screens of quickset, the billowy drapery of beech and elm seemed best away; and with great cheerfulness of spirit he pushed on towards the Wild Wood, which lay before him low and threatening, like a black reef in some still southern sea.


"Mother," he began, I looked outside for the tallest tree but all I saw were scraggly bushes. I looked for the highest mountain but all I could find were short houses; and I tried to find the brightest star, but all I could see was a scary bolt of lightning.


Mother,he began,I looked outside for the tallest tree but all Isaw were scraggly bushes.I looked for the highest mountain but all Icould find were short houses;and Itried to find the brightest star,but all Icould see was ascary bolt of lightning.


Anne Odell had a habit of taking spiders to school in a matchbox, which not all her classmates cared for. One day in 1952, her father decided to give her something different, and less scary, to take in her Norvic Match Co box, and fashioned a tiny model of a road-roller, crafted in brass and painted red and green.

Anne Odell有一个习惯就是把蜘蛛放进火柴盒中并且带到学校,但不是所有同学都会关注这个。1952年的一天,她的父亲决定送她一些与众不同却又不至于吓人的东西——在她的Norvic Match Co box里面放进一个铜制的model of a road-roller,并且漆上红色和绿色。

Slim turbaned Indians blew through long pipes of reed or brass and charmed-or feigned to charm-great hooded snakes and horrible horned adders.


Scary creatures for Halloween enthusiasts are always in. If you want to really look the part, scary creatures for Halloween range from the paranormal to the creepiest and most nightmarish.


Traditionally considered a coming of age story, it is an adventure tale known for its superb atmosphere, character and action, and also a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality—as seen in Long John Silver—unusual for children's literature then and now. It is one of the most frequently dramatised of all novels.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
