英语人>网络例句>向皮质的 相关的搜索结果


与 向皮质的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Material and MethodsRA Rabbit Model group: 15 early RA rabbits of the same weight and variety Control group:10 normal rabbits of the same weight and varietyMethods of making RA rabbit model:elect 15 normal rabbits of the same weight and variety, dissolve Ovalbumin in 0.9% sodium chloride solution, to make the solution of 20mg/ml concengtration, blend the same quantity of complete Freund′s Adjuvant equably ,inject the mixed solution into endermic tissue of the rabbit′s scapular section, making the rabbits allergic, inject 1 ml of the mixed solution to one rabbit every time, inject 1 ml of the mixed solution in 5 different places of the rabbit′s scapular section, inject the rabbit one time every week,inject 3 weeks continuously,it turned out to be that the rabbits will be allergic, inject Ovalbumin blent with the 0.9% sodium chloride solution into the knee joint cavity of the rabbits in the fourth week, 5 mg Ovalbumin every knee joint cavity,two knees of every rabbit of the 15 rabbits are both injected,the arthrosis diameter and the exterior temperature of the knees will be added obviously in 24 hours,and they will drop gradually,at the time of the 14th or 21th day, the arthrosis diameter and the exterior temperature of the knees will get to the balance time,the incidence rate of RA is 100%.after the RA model succeeds,it is the early time of RA from the first week to the fourth week,after the fourth week,it is the late time of RA, the cartilage of the femoral condyle and the subchondral bone cortices will be changed unrecoverily.


The spinal cord, report Gaillard et al.1 in the current issue. Although the grafting of tissue to the brain has been explored as a strategy forrepairing the injured nervous system for over 100 years2, the current paper1 demonstrates a remarkable and complex set of long-distance,topographically appropriate axonal projections to a variety of targets distributed throughout the nervous system.


METHODS: Measurement of palatal raphe area first three-dimensional reconstruction of images at up to nasion plane centerline, whichever was determined as a reference surface plane, selection one point on incisor cervix in this line, to measurement of the available palatal bone height; sagittal views were selected at 6 mm dorsally from the incisive canal. The available bone height was defined as the distance from the palatal baseline (lower cortical border of the palate) to the nasal cavity (upper cortical border of the nasal cavity).

先在三维重建图像上以鼻根为准确定面中线平面为参考平面,在此线上选择1个位于中切牙牙颈部的点,在其矢状位图像上,选取位于口腔内侧骨皮质上距切牙孔后缘6 mm处为标测点,通过此点向硬腭做垂线确定腭骨厚度,测量范围自口腔内腭部骨皮质外侧边缘至鼻腔侧骨皮质外侧边缘。

Abstract] objective to improve the diagnosis of non-ossifying fiboma by analysing its x-ray feature.methods plain x-ray films was performed in all patients.x-ray finding in 8 cases with pathologically-confirmed non-ossifying were analyzed.results the clinical symptom was mild,the lesions occurred usually at the metaphysis of the long bones,the affected bones included femur(n=4),tibia(n=3),humerus(n=1).cortical type was seen in 5 cases,presenting as unilocular or multilacular transparent areas with in the cortex or tightly beneath the cortex,the lesion had a sclerotic margin.which was more obvious at the marrow side.medullary type was seen in 2 cases.the lesion was located at the center of the bone and grew centrally.the tumor was manifested as unilocular or multilocular.tramsparent area with sclerotic border and the bone cortex became thinner with slightly expanding on 11 sides.conclusion plain radiography is the elementally means to detect this disease.based on the typical x-ray signs of non-ossifying fibroma combined with clinical data,correct preoperative diagnosis can be made in most cases.

目的 探讨非骨化性纤维瘤的x线表现以提高诊断水平。方法所有病例均摄有x线平片,分析经病理证实的8例非骨化性纤维瘤。结果临床症状轻,好发于下肢长骨干骺端或骨干,股骨4例,胫骨3例,肱骨1例。皮质型5例,表现为皮质内或紧贴皮质下的单层或多层透亮区,病变向骨内发展进入髓腔,周围有致密硬化带环绕,以髓腔侧明显;髓质型2例,病灶在骨内中央发展,显示为单房或多房透亮区,边缘有硬化,骨皮质菲薄,轻微向周围膨隆。结论 x线为最基本的检查方法,典型病例x线平片结合临床症状即可明确诊断。

The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement. Among 160 thoracic pedicle screws that were implanted in 34 cases, 148 screws (92.5%) were accurately inserted inside the costotransverse unit, and 12 screws (7.5%) were misplaced according to the image of X-ray and CT thin-slice scan.

应用椎弓根外内固定技术2004/2007年在中山大学附属第三医院骨科治疗34例患者,固定前采用CT加密扫描测量进钉点、进钉点至椎体前缘的深度、进钉角度和直径,固定中椎弓根钉入点为横突尖,进钉方向为平均向头侧倾斜10°~ 20°、与中线成角30°~40°,顺椎弓根外侧皮质进入椎体,固定后CT加密扫描观察螺钉周围的皮质骨是否完整、是否靠近节段血管、是否穿透皮质骨,评价置入钉的准确性和安全性。34例患者共置入160枚胸椎椎弓根螺钉,固定后CT加密扫描和X射线片观察到148枚(92.5%)螺钉置入准确,12枚(7.5%)螺钉发生错置。

Using a switch to divert the train toward one person instead of five increases activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex—the place where cool, utilitarian choices are made.


From 2004 to 2007, 34 cases were treated with extrapedicular screw fixation in Department of Orthopaedics, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. The screw entry point, angle, depth and diameter were measured and defined on the thoracic vertebrae pedicle by CT thin-slice scan in standard prone for all cases before operation. The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement.


Results Compared with normal group and sham operated control groups, BrdU positive and Nestin positive cells were increased in the hippocampus, dentate subgranular zone and subependymal zone in operated groups after 24 hours of reperfusion of omni-cerebral ischemia.

结果 脑缺血再灌流24 h后,海马、齿状回和室管膜下区的BrdU阳性细胞和Nestin阳性细胞增多,7~10 d达到高峰,术后20 d仍有表达;在室管膜下区,BrdU阳性细胞和Nestin 阳性细胞有向皮质、海马迁移的现象。

Results compared with normal group and sham operated control groups, brdu positive and nestin positive cells were increased in the hippocampus, dentate subgranular zone and subependymal zone in operated groups after 24 hours of reperfusion of omni-cerebral ischemia. the expression of brdu and nestin reached a peak 7-10 days after the operation, and could still be detected 20 days after the operation. the migration of brdu positive and nestin positive cells to the cerebral cortex and hippocampus was observed in subependymal region.

结果 脑缺血再灌流24 h后,海马、齿状回和室管膜下区的brdu阳性细胞和nestin阳性细胞增多,7~10 d达到高峰,术后20 d仍有表达;在室管膜下区,brdu阳性细胞和nestin 阳性细胞有向皮质、海马迁移的现象。

The study found that loneliness desensitizes the glucocorticoid receptors, cutting off the immune control and anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol, a stress-related hormone that also helps regulate the conversion of carbohydrates to energy.


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