英语人>网络例句>向一边的 相关的搜索结果


与 向一边的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine.


In the early morning, in a house-jacket, she looked after the management of her household. Then she drove on saints' days to Mass, and from Mass to the gaols and prisons; and of what she did there, she never spoke to any one. On ordinary days she dressed and received petitioners of various classes, of whom some sought her aid every day. Then she had dinner, an abundant and appetising meal, at which some three or four guests were always present. After dinner she played a game of boston; and at night had the newspapers and new books read aloud to her while she knitted.


The gunmen peppered a bookstand at the back of the hall with bullets, shattering the glass next to a copy of 'Complete Wellbeing' magazine, according to vendor Sarman Lal, who quivered on the floor saying his last prayers.

据大厅后面一家书报摊老板拉尔称,一名枪手向摊位狂扫一通,将一份《Complete Wellbeing》杂志旁的玻璃打得粉碎。拉尔吓得浑身发抖,一边趴在地上,一边默念著临终祷告。

Sway from side to side with arms stretched into the airHere we go,move your head in time with the music.


Yet he broke the band of her underclothes, for she did not help him, only lay inert.


Bason cooks and complaints to Joomoochi that he and his men eat too much.


Now he practically ran to the throne room, sashing his robe as he approached the communicator sphere.


As we ambled along, Naoko spoke to me of wells.


The people see this critical situation, unexpectedly all has been feared for a while, the eye straight looks straight is running rapidly to control center's yellow senior officials did not know actually how should manage; Huang one side Qu senior official yellow Jinlong grips the left hand with the right hand which burns belches smoke, at the same time the quick steps run to the base, but also has not run 100 meters, already felt has small blazing liquid to tear to pieces the final level the glove to protect the membrane, pricks does not guard against refers to between the flesh, puts in order a feel immediately to the infinite heat, then was rips the heart check lung the ache, surges wave upon wave raids ......


Their families gathered around them chorusing,"We are here for the wedding!"


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
