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与 后节 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many such excellent practices moved Westward; the Latin rites borrowed prayers and songs, antiphons, antiphonal singing, the use of the alleluia, of the doxology, etc. If the East adopted the Latin Christmas Day, the West imported not merely the Greek Epiphany, but feast after feast, in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries.

许多这样的优秀的做法西迁;拉丁美洲借来的祈祷仪式和歌曲, antiphons , antiphonal唱歌,使用的哈里路亚,在三一颂等如东通过了拉丁美洲圣诞节,西方国家进口的不仅仅是希腊主显节,但节日盛宴后,在第四,第五,第六和第七世纪。

The Book of the Covenant, so the critics tell us, knows only three feasts: the seven-days feast of the azymes in memory of the exodus form Egypt, the feast of the harvest, and that of the end of the harvest (Exodus 23:14-7); Deuteronomy ordains the keeping of the feasts at the central sanctuary adds to Pasch to the feast of the azymes, places the second feast seven weeks after the first, and calls the third,"feast of tabernacles", extending its duration to seven days (Deuteronomy 16:1-17); the Priestly Code prescribes the exact ritual for five feasts, adding the feast of trumpets and of atonement, all of which must be kept at the central sanctuary.

这本书的盟约,所以批评者告诉我们,知道只有三个节日: 7天盛宴的azymes在记忆的出埃及记的形式埃及,节日收获,并指出,年底收获(出埃及记23 :14 - 7 );申命记ordains饲养的节日,在中央庇护增加pasch到盛宴的azymes ,地方的第二盛宴七个星期后,第一,并呼吁第三,&住棚节&,扩大其会期7天(申命记16:1-17 ); priestly守则订明的确切仪式5宴,加入节日小号和赎罪,所有这些都必须保持在中央的庇护所。

M were applied to produce six kinds of pure moment of force and to create six kinds of movement of the lumbar spine in flexion, extension, left and right lateral bendings as well as left and right axial rotations.


These EDD were proved to contain calcium by X-ray microprobe analysis. The addition of 10mM/L theophylline greatly reduced the deposits in plasma membrane, mitochondria and EDD were not observed or observed rarely in subsurface cisternae.


Five minutes before the session the heavens over the Hautes Fagnes region opened up, and only Red Bull and Vitantonio Liuzzi were bold enough to go out straight away. Unfortunately, the team's choice of intermediate Michelins was not optimal for the conditions, and under braking for Les Combes the tail of the RB01 snapped out and sent the hapless Italian spinning into the barriers.

在这节比赛开始前5分钟,Hautes Fagnes地区的天漏了,只有红牛车队的Vitantonio Liuzzi够胆儿立刻出发,不幸的是,车队所选择的中性米其林轮胎并不适合这种情况,在Les Combes弯处刹车后,那辆RB01赛车的尾部突然甩出赛道,并把不幸的意大利人送进了轮胎墙。

After feeding, the volume of material roll of a central location that is, the business card printing and membership card making location, because this machine is affixed with a deviation, version, and so on are in sub-subparagraph to the central axis as the base, the material should be in strict accordance with our equipment for each feed routes through the guide roller is, put to paper machine for printing paper smooth and adjust the tension and cause to be printed materials subject to certain harmoning tension control in order to ensure the rectification of overprinter precision, adjustment, so that the material in the press and printing center position, to ensure that the rectification action ofsmell is correct.


2Similar to other shrimps, artificial pond culture Penaeus monodon also had difference in growth between female and male. At early culture period, the difference between them was not distinct, but the female would grow more quickly than male after the fifty-ninth day. The body weight growth turning point of the male appeared at the 144.5 days, and at the 195. 3 days for the female.(3) By using Von Bertallanffy growth equation, the growth equations of Penaeus monodon were abtained.

养殖前期,雌、雄虾的体长、体重生长差异不明显,雄虾略高于雌虾,在59.6d后,雌虾体长生长速度高于雄虾;雄虾体重的生长拐点出现在144.5d左右,雌虾体重的生长拐点出现在195.3d左右;(3)采用von Bertallanffy生长方程,拟合出池塘养殖斑节对虾体长、体重生长方程为:。

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Derek Fisher- Nash had a great night, but it was obvious in the 4th that he got a little winded there because Fish made him play defense all game. You could tell that was the plan from the beginning, Fish just had this killer look in his eyes after every shot. His defense on Nash, however, was somewhat suspect. But still, a great night for Fish.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
