英语人>网络例句>后节 相关的搜索结果


与 后节 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the same method, delta receptor was detected on the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, coat ganglia and in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, sialoid gland, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


The results showed that the different cut sites had the different RBSN and RQ. The superiority in RBSM occurred in the body segments with heart and clitellum, with head or only without head, the body segment number which remaining above 1/2, while the other groups had fewer RBSN.


The proximal and distal nerve stumps were sutured l cm apart, in an end-to-side fashion like "π", to the epneurium windows, opened by removing the epineural sheath on the intact tibial nerve trunk with 1 mm long.


A19 line poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


A19 lie poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


A 19 line poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


Interlocking rhyme is a rhyme scheme in which an unrhymed line in one stanza rhymes with a line in the following stanza. Interlocking rhyme occurs in an Italian verse form called terza rima.

连环韵指一行诗在前一节中没有押韵句,而在后一节中其中的一句押韵,连环韵通常出现在三行体诗中(象旦丁《神曲》中所用的诗体,三行为一节,每节的第二行与下一节的第一、三行押韵,如:aba, bcb, cdc。

Abstract]This paper studies the animation industry by exploring European animation festivals panoramically from the perspective of aesthetic economy and space economy. It is found that semiotic products with great semiotic meaning are not a kind of transcendental presentation but daily reality in the aesthetic economy and space economy era. The animation industry, which is focused on cultural and creative content producing, is a rising industry in which the animation festival is not only the exhibition of traditional commodities but also a creative arena of meaning produce. The restructuring of place for European animation festivals is followed the basic requirement of aesthetic economy and space economy, since the festivals add new semiotic meaning and cultural elements to the original places.


Kanic acid was injected into guinea pigs' cochleae and the excitotoxicity model was established. After a week the recombinant plasmid was transferred into SGCs of guinea pigs' cochlea treated with HAT. The following week the expression of NT-3 was examined by the immunohistochemical method, and the morphology of SGNs was observed under the electronic microscope after 4 weeks, in the mean time the changes of auditory brain-stein response were examined.

通过耳蜗灌注海人酸(kainic acid, KA)建立豚鼠耳蜗兴奋性损伤模型,在给KA 1周后利用HAT携带重组质粒进行耳蜗灌注以转染耳蜗螺旋神经节细胞,免疫组化法观察转染后1周NT-3的表达及4周后电镜下螺旋神经节细胞形态学变化,同时观察对听觉脑干诱发电位(auditory brain-stem response, ABR)的影响。

The secondary injury following graded ONIs is reflected by time course, survival ratio and loss ratio of RGCs and axons. The regeneration is observed by TEM and explored by immunohistochemical detection of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) by TEM and modified Glees silver impregnation on which the regeneration index is based to evaluate the regenerating ability following graded ONI.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
