英语人>网络例句>后来的 相关的搜索结果


与 后来的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ChapterⅡreviewed the thoughts with utilitarian style of two great thinkers——Bentham and Beccaria, the representatives of classical school of crime. Although their research can not be considered modern economic research, their thoughts contained the essence of economics of crime, and their studies have laid a solid theoretical foundation of modern deterrent theory for the subsequent economic research on deterrence.


This article is made up of four parts. The content of the first part is about the conspectus of litig...


If the rough-edged quality of Dylan's voice in the later selections betrays the hand of time, his intensity and commitment on each of these classic tracks seems undiminished.


However, humans are reproducibly irrational in a number of characteristic ways. One of the most impressive examples is the so-called "framing effect," where merely casting an option in a positive or negative way has a dramatic influence on subsequent choice. De Martino et al.


Disorders that people have suffered and died from for centuries, such as cancer and cystic fibrosis, may now be eliminated.

显而易见的是, DNA的发现和其后来的基因工程技术的发展已经显著地改变了我们对于生命的看法以及我们改变人类健康和环境的能力。

Savonarola . In the later Middle Ages the order was equaled in influence only by the Franciscans, the two orders sharing much power in the church and often in the Roman Catholic states and arousing frequent hostility on the part of the parochial clergy, whose rights often seemed to be invaded by the friars.


A distinction is usually common between early baroque (prior to 1650, Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Carissimi etc) and late baroque music (Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Bach and Handel etc), the development of the latter leading to the Musical Enlightenment.


On the other hand, though the tradition that St. Thomas preached in "India" was widely spread in both East and West and is to be found in such writers as Ephraem Syrus, Ambrose, Paulinus, Jerome, and, later Gregory of Tours and others, still it is difficult to discover any adequate support for the long-accepted belief that St. Thomas pushed his missionary journeys as far south as Mylapore, not far from Madras, and there suffered martyrdom.

在另一方面,虽然传统,在圣托马斯鼓吹&印度&,是广为传播,无论东方和西方,是要找到这样的作家ephraem syrus ,刘汉铨, paulinus ,杰罗姆,以及后来的格雷戈里的旅行团另一些,但仍然是一个难以发现任何足以支持长期接受的,相信圣托马斯推他的传教行程为远南作为mylapore ,不远处的马德拉斯,并有遭受殉难。

Almost all the big revolutionists of necessity lived abroad; Stalin and Molotov were the only two who were able to brag in later years that they stuck it out for the most part inside.


In the later Middle Ages, when the black monks were giving less time to agriculture, the Cistercians reestablished the old order of things; and even today such monasteries as La Trappe de Staoueli in northern Africa, or New Nursia in western Australia do identically the same work as was done by the monks a thousand years ago.

后来的中世纪,当黑色的和尚被给予的时间更少,农业,熙笃会重新确立了旧秩序的事情;即使在今天,这样的寺庙,像过La Trappe ;德斯塔韦利在非洲北部,或新努西亚在澳大利亚西部的做相同的同工作做了和尚一千多年前。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
