英语人>网络例句>后来的 相关的搜索结果


与 后来的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, though the tradition that St. Thomas preached in "India" was widely spread in both East and West and is to be found in such writers as Ephraem Syrus, Ambrose, Paulinus, Jerome, and, later Gregory of Tours and others, still it is difficult to discover any adequate support for the long-accepted belief that St. Thomas pushed his missionary journeys as far south as Mylapore, not far from Madras, and there suffered martyrdom.

在另一方面,虽然传统,在圣托马斯鼓吹"印度",是广为传播,无论东方和西方,是要找到这样的作家ephraem syrus ,刘汉铨, paulinus ,杰罗姆,以及后来的格雷戈里的旅行团另一些,但仍然是一个难以发现任何足以支持长期接受的,相信圣托马斯推他的传教行程为远南作为mylapore ,不远处的马德拉斯,并有遭受殉难。

I The theory of the historical evolution of Israelitic religions leads us from Mosaic Yahwehism to the ethical monotheism of the Prophets, from this to the universalist conception of God developed during the Exile, and from this again to the ossified Phariseeism of later days.

理论的历史演变israelitic宗教导致我们从花叶yahwehism ,以伦理一神教的先知,从这个以普遍性的概念,上帝期间制定的流亡政府,并从这个再次向僵化的phariseeism后来的天。

Inflation measured by retail price index declined from the peak of 21.7 percent in 1994 to 0.8 percent in 1997 and remained subdued in the following years while real GDP growth moderated gradully from 13.5 percent in 1993 to a more sustainable rate.


Inflation measured by retail price index declined from the peak of 21.7 percent in 1994 to 0.8 percent in 1997 remained subdued in the following years while real GDP growth moderated gradully from 13.5 percent in 1993 to a more sustainable rate.


Though the movement in France was thus seriously damaged, in 1723 the Jansenists of the Netherlands nominated a schismatic archbishop of Utrecht as their ecclesiastical leader, and this group has maintained its existence down to the present day, becoming in the later nineteenth century part of the Old Catholic Church.


Wind up (i是发字母i本身的音,不是wind风那个音) If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even thought you did not originally intend to be.比如If he continues to spend money this way, he's going to wind up in bankruptcy. How did you ever wind up in this little town in the middle of nowhere?9. Someone is playing a shell game , Bruce. I'm just trying to find out who.

shell game原指一种大家都知道的游戏——藏豆赌博游戏:一种通常涉及赌博的游戏,一个人将一个小物体藏在三个坚果壳、杯子或茶杯中的一个里,然后当旁观者试图猜测物体的最终位置时,这个人在平坦表面上移动果壳、杯子或茶杯以变戏法也作thimblerig,后来可以泛指类似的骗局,不一定是藏豆子,本句里就在说Bruce搞的藏史高飞等人的游戏

Instinctively more comfortable with democracy than were his fellow Founders and devoid of the snobbery that later critics would feel toward his own shopkeeping values, he had faith in the wisdom of the common man and felt that a new nation would draw its strength from what he called "the middling people."


The cultural conflict between the West and theEast in this phase was beyond the former Slav faction andWest European faction that either Slavonization orEuropeanization and later populism that simply added Westernculture to Russia's tradition but combined the Western culturewith national traditions dialectically,so that propelled the socialprogress effectively and practically,delt better with the problemabout the conflict and combination of the Western culture andEastern culture provided scientific inspiration for one's owncountry and others backward in economy and culture.


And although Esther did experience some extremely strong physical sensations the firsttime we meditated together, it wasn't until after nine months of daily meditation that weexperienced any meaningful form of intellectual communication. Intellectual in that as Esther's headhad begun moving methodically, we discovered that her nose was writing out letters, sort of likespelling out words on an invisible chalkboard in the air: I-A-M-A-B-R-A-H-A-M. To quote


His early experiences provided rich materialfor his writin9,but also left him with a hatred of the'toadyism'and pretence produced by the Englishclass system..


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
