英语人>网络例句>后来的 相关的搜索结果


与 后来的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This leads to the Abyssinia Crisis.


It is a blessed aphorism of John Bunyan,"That which is last, lasts for ever."


Would later confirm that Bannister was consuming alcohol that morning.


I baptize with water,John replied, but among you stands one you do not know.


I don't know what became of him later.


From the North, Romans also associated blondness with aristocracy.


God bless the Union; it is dearer to us for the blood of brave men which has been shed in its defenses The spots on which they stood and fell; these pleasant heights; the fertile plain beneath them; the thriving village whose streets so lately rang with the strange din of war; the fields beyond the ridge, where the noble Reynolds held the advancing foe at bay, and, while he gave up his own life, assured by his forethought and self-sacrifice the triumph of the two succeeding days; the little streams which wind through the hills, on whose banks in aftertimes the wondering ploughman will turn up, with the rude weapons of savage warfare, the fearful missiles of modem artillery; Seminary Ridge, the Peach Orchard, Cemetery, Culp, and Wolf Hill, Round Top, Litttle Round Top, humble names, henceforward dear and famous-no lapse of time, no distance of space, shall cause you to be forgotten.

联邦得上帝的保佑,得勇士们为之洒血捍卫,我们对它无不感到弥足珍贵。峥嵘岁月,沧海桑田,他们曾经战斗并倒下的地方依旧;那些恬美的高地依旧;街巷里不时回响着战火喧嚣的村落也又灯火依旧;战地外的原野依旧,在那里英武的雷诺将军曾经抵御进攻的敌人,并以自己的远见卓识无私献身确保了后来两天的胜利;环绕山岗的溪流依旧,溪流岸边走来战后悠闲的耕夫,拎着残酷战场遗留下来的粗陋武器和可怖的弹片炮灰; Seminary Ridge, the Peach Orchard, Cemetery, Culp, and Wolf Hill, Round Top, Litttle Round Top,无名的,及后来的有名的,这一切都让你们感到自己的渺小。

I observ'd an extraordinary Sense of Pleasure appear'd in his Face, and his Eyes sparkled, and his Countenance discover'd a strange Eagerness, as if he had a Mind to be in his own Country again; and this Observation of mine, put a great many Thoughts into me, which made me at first not so easy about my new Man Friday as I was before; and I made no doubt, but that if Friday could get back to his own Nation again, he would not only forget all his Religion, but all his Obligation to me; and would be forward enough to give his Countrymen an Account of me, and come back perhaps with a hundred or two of them, and make a Feast upon me, at which he might be as merry as he us'd to be with those of his Enemies, when they were taken in War.


The Bear still remember the first Cubs to the "Pig Caiguai" the message, later to the "mosquito","Onion Head" and then later "Crystal Love"; Cubs to the deepest memory is with us in the school bench Love to eat on the crystal, Bear phone suddenly sounded no access to Bear, Bear asked the reasons for the Bear Bear told the Cubs that year, is the point every day to remind the Bear - the birthday of the Cubs, the Cubs clearly see Bear on mobile phones The cake design, we in this romantic and moving in the beginning of our love - I Love the crystal.


Although generally seen as an era of stagnation, it can more be described as a very complex mix of periods of economic and cultural devlopments (Music and poems of the Troubadours and Trouveres, building of the Romanesque, then gothic cathedrals), and recessions due to pandemic disease and wars.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
