英语人>网络例句>后来的 相关的搜索结果


与 后来的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is mention of this meal in the report of Archdeacon Theodosius and in the anonymous little work called "The Jerusalem Breviary," as also in subsequent writings.

提到大执事 Archdeacon Theodosius 做的报告,一个匿名者后来做的一份名为耶路撒冷的摘要和一些后来的资料都提到有关用餐的事情。

The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, which is almost always referred to popularly and informally as Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church, in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster.

后来此地以寺名为地名,发展为后来的"西敏市",成为伦敦市中心的两个市级区之一。1579年以后,教堂改名"The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster",直译为"西敏市的圣彼得牧师团教堂",名称中的"Westminster"已不是寺名而是地名了。

The results show that the mass density of disc galaxies increases an order of magnitude from the early-type disc galaxies to the later one, oblateness decreases to minimum at Sd,m, and then increases Having excepted SO and IrII, these parameters vary with the type of disc galaxies monotonicly.


Just like Friday I desperately struggled to seat my axe in the crux tin-opener 胸带?. I screamed to Joe to expect a fall and released my left axe, cutting loose onto one arm. The axe slid and jerked a centimeter. My heart missed a beat and the jolt nearly made me fall, my hand sliding down the upside-down axe to the head and rolling onto three fingers.

后来爬到 crux时,在爬到后来的他用2.5小时领攀了那段路线,我大声的呼叫 Joe,希望他往下降一点,帮我把挂在左面的冰斧取出来,试图两手轮流砍冰前进,但我好像没有把冰斧固定住,突然滑动了大约一厘米,我一紧张,斧子从手里滑了下来,差点碰到我的头,刹那间我用三个手指头再次抓住它,就在这一瞬间,我整个身体差点坠落下去,心也一下子提到了嗓子眼,砰砰直跳。

6000 Years ago,a part of ancient uralic was divided,some of them moved to easten europe,became Lapps and Ugrian,some stay in ural mountains,was Ogrian,and some of them began a boldly travel.they through the way direct the sun raising, step across the Eurasian grassland,and came north of China after hundreds of years,was Hunvi,the ancestor of honian.now days, more and more informations showed, Senrian②——the accepted ancestor of Chinese——was their likely progeny also.


Accept 的第三个参数原来被声明为'int *'(在libc4和libc5以及其他很多系统中,比如BSD 4.*,SunOS 4, SGI);POSIX 1003.1g草案试图将其改变为 'size_t *',SunOS 5就是这麼做的.后来的POSIX 草案和Single Unix Specification 以及glibc2使用了 'socklen_t *'. Quoting Linus Torvalds:引自Linus Torvalds (译注:这个家伙就是Linux的创始人,所以我保留了他老人家的原文,仅将原文大意附后): I fails: only italicizes a single line _Any_ sane library _must_ have "socklen_t" be the same size as int.


Born in Gloucester in about 1358, he was actually from quite a well-off family, and was sent to London to learn the trade of mercer. By 1393, he had become an alderman, as well as a member of the Mercers' Company, and in 1397 he became mayor of the city.

1358年,出生在Gloucester,家境不错,被家里送到伦敦去学作布匹买卖, 1393年,他成为市议员和布匹公司的member, 1397年,成为市长,后来又作了1398年, 1406年, 1419年的市长,后来的仕途一直不错,以至成为了一个活生生的传奇,。。。。

In 1979, she began her acting career in the Australian TV drama series Skyways, eventually gaining a starring role in a children's series, The Henderson Kids, before achieving national fame in the five-days-a-week soap opera Neighbours.


But scientists discovered in 1989 that Peary and Henson were actually just short of the Pole. Still, Peary and Henson showed that exploration was possible in Arctic regions and paved the way for future explorers.


Konigsberg, capital of East Prussia and later became the former Soviet Union, Kaliningrad, due to have been born here, Leibniz, Kant and cultural giants such as Bach, Germany has proposed to Russia later: with Russia to exchange the debt owed to Germany Kalinin Furtwangler, by Putin categorically rejected it.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
