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与 后期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So I apologize for my lack of experience in this area.


It was the movements of the civil society of west Europe in the Middle Ages that led to the formation of the rule of law in the West.


By the end of July 1998, China had approved more than three hundred and fourteen thousand

自70 年代后期,中国向世界开放以来,到1998 年7 月底,中国已批准了三十一万四千余个外

In the late 60th century had also absorbed trumpet, French horn, trombone, clarinet, flute, violin and other Western musical instruments.


As of late 2005, three species of fruit bat have been identified as carrying the virus but not showing disease symptoms, and they are now believed to be the natural host species, or reservoir, of the virus.


The results indicated that 0.3% brackish water could be used for growing melon without any yield losses,but fruit yield reductions were significant(P.01) during straw period and flor-fruit period and(P.01) during fruitage at 5,7 and 9 g/L.The salinity improved quality during fruitage and decreased quality b...

结果表明,在不同生育时期3 g/L咸水处理对甜瓜产量均无显著影响,在开花坐果期和伸蔓期至果实成熟期,5,7,9 g/L咸水处理的单果重均极显著低于对照,而在果实发育期各咸水处理的单果重均显著低于对照;在甜瓜果实发育期以前,不同浓度咸水处理使甜瓜品质稍有降低,而后期处理则能提高甜瓜果实的品质,其中可溶性蛋白含量的变化不大;伸蔓期至果实成熟期持续咸水处理对甜瓜营养生长有明显的抑制作用,其中对株高的影响表现得尤为突出。

Ribose/galactose/methyl galactoside importing ATP-binding protein 1 was participated in photosynthates transportation from leaf to grain in early and mid-stages.


His later works are often characterized by galant phrases and motifs which he would employ to aid characterization.


Modern work on gravitational theory began with the work of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.


Can accelerate the bone marrow cell from G1 phase into S phase when we measure it's Cell cycle, it make S phase rate was increased .thus it promoted DNA synthesize and repaired. Mice irradiated at dose of 5.5 Gy gamma-irradiation showed timed-related decreases and restores in peripheral blood picture at day 1 through day 21, the counts of WBC of these group had taken drug has various degree to increase than irradiation control group in day 1. Grugs failed to protected the peripheral blood cell at lowest point, but seems promote their rescovery.9803 treated group was distinct. At 7days after mice were radiated in 3.5 Gy. we observed drug can Significantly hold back the decreased number of hematopoietic progenitors colony forming radiation induced. These findings indicated 9803 have a certain radioprotective activity against gammer irradiation in mice.

给药组的 CFU-S 数量较照射对照组明显增加,3.5Gy 照后第七天观察给药9803组对小鼠骨髓造血组细胞集落生成能力的影响,给药组的造血祖细胞集落的形成能力强于照射对照组,并且9803组明显优于523组。5.5Gy 照射引起的小鼠的外周血细胞数量的降低以 WBC 发生最早,照后24小时给药组的 WBC 数量均比照射对照组有不同程度的升高,以9803各给药组最为明显,药物未能使照射引起的外周血细胞最低值升高,而有降低的趋势,但给药对照射后期外周血象的总体恢复有较好的促进作用。7.5Gy 照射后第七天测定小鼠骨髓细胞周期的测定中发现9803具有促进骨髓细胞由 G1期进入 S 期的效应,致使 G0/G1期细胞显著减少, S 期细胞比率显著增加,这利于促进 DNA 合成修复,即促进骨髓细胞增殖,骨髓细胞 DNA 含量给药组显著高于照射对照组。

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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
