英语人>网络例句>后期 相关的搜索结果


与 后期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It employs the complex-valued step function to build neural model, then constructs network structure and decides the number of neurons; it adopts complex-valued Hebbian rules and inner product way to calculate the net weight matrix; then it analyzes the convergence of the network by taking advantage of the definition of energy function. In the image pre-processing stage, 2-dimensional Fourier Transform and Euler's formula are used, respectively, to transfer a gray-scaled image into phase information needed by the complex-valued neural network when stores the traffic sign. In the image post-processing stage, phase inverse transformation is used to change the phase image to gray-scaled image.


Constantine's foundation of New Rome on this site reflected its strategic and commercial importance from the earliest times, lying as it does astride both the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black or Euxine Sea to the Mediterranean, whilst also being possessed of an excellent and spacious harbour in the Golden Horn.


Although the parliament passes some acts about the activities of the domestic industry and commerce and the abroad trade, Edward has to take the Italians as his business agents of imports and exports, and the English businessmen are faced with a lot of difficulties because the businessmen of Italy and the Hanse enjoy some political and economical privileges in England, which consequently harms the political and economical interests of the English themselves. In the later period of the 15th century some of the movements of exclusionism take place in London, Southampton, Bristol, etc.


In order to further explore the benefits of reasonable exercise on maintaining bone health and examine the effect of exercise on skeleton of young college students, 20 male students of college were divided into exercise group (participates bodybuilding frequently) and control group, some indexes of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were observed and analyzed.


Changing form the existentialism to the ontology is an inevitable outcome of the development in his thought.


This artistic guidance only has auxiliary value in his early thoughts,but becomes indispensable in the later existentialist construction.


The results indicate that, during the early storage period under short time treatment with heat air, the activities of amylase and polygalactouronase are effectively decreased; starch content reduction is inhibited; the degradation speed of pectin and the decrease speed of flesh hardness are slowed down, and the release rate of ethylene in fruit is decreased. During the later storage period, the decomposition rate of middle lamella and primary wall of the Li jujube fruit treated with heat air for a short time is delayed, exosmosis of cell contents is inhibited, and the cell structure is protected, so the storage time of Li jujube fruit is prolonged.


"Explantation of a prosthesis is not feasible in situations such as a severely ill patient who is not a good candidate for anesthesia and surgery," senior author Dr. Raymund Razonable told Reuters,"or a patient who has poor/weak bone reserve so that reimplantation of a functional prosthesis at a later time is not feasible."

资深的Raymund Razonable博士告诉路透社,"人工关节的植入对于严重疾病不能耐受麻醉和手术患者不能施行,或者骨质储备较差患者行植入术由于后期功能性假肢导致关节再植入。"

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The major causes of trauma death was brain injury and exsanguination,the brain injury and torso injury contributed a lot to a high death rate.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
